Medicine of Extreme Situations
Scientific and Practical reviewed Journal
of FMBA of Russia

included in the list of HAC

№1, 2011 (March)

The concept of prospective monitoring of health status of nuclear power plant personnel and population living near NPPs.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 5-21

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: A.V. Akleev, N.A. Koshurnikova, M.F. Kiselev, T.V. Azizova, E.Yu. Burtovaya, V.P. Gritsenko, M.O. Degtereva, G.P. Dimov, L.Yu. Krestinina, E.S. Kuropatenko, Yu.G. Mokrov, E.A. Pryakhin, S.A. Romanov, N.V. Startsev, A.V. Trapeznikov, N.K. Shandala.

Federal State Institution Ural Scientific Practical center of radiation medicine of FMBA of Russia, Chelyabinsk;
Federal State Unitary Enterprise South Ural Institute of Biophysics, of FMBA of Russia, Ozersk;
FMBA of Russia, Moscow;
Federal State Institution Medical Biophysical center named after A.I. Burnazyan of FMBA of Russia, Moscow;
Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Mayak" of FMBA of Russia, Ozersk;
Institute of Ecology of plants and animals, Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg;
All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics named after Academician E.I. Zababakhin, Snezhinsk.


The concept comes from the assumption that the construction and operation of the nuclear power plant may affect the environment and health of personnel and population living in the zone of its influence. Thus, authors consider valid only such a change of indicators of health and the natural environment, which would enable to assess the impact as ecologically safe for the region. The ecological safety means the state of health of personnel and population, as well as natural ecosystems in the period of construction and operation of nuclear power plants, which ensures sanitary and hygienic well-being of humans and its safe existence of natural environment (terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems).


Personnel, population, security, natural ecosystems, radiation doses, social and psychological status.

The integral index of industrial pollution as a measure of environmental safety of products human consumes.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 22-28

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: Yu.A. Ignatiev, M.L. Alexandrova, G.N. Kulbitskiy, E.V. Babaina.

Organization: Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Toxicology of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg.


The objective is to consider and submit for discussion a new quantitative method of assessing level of ecological safety of environment objects, goods, products and services, based on the determination of newly introduced option "the integral index of industrial pollution" and to obtain experimental results applied to natural water from various sources.

Materials and methods:
In this study chemical and instrumental physical and chemical techniques were used to define chemical elements by atomic absorption spectroscopy on devices MGA-915, Perkin-Elmer, organic chemical compounds by gas-liquid, liquid chromatography with detection on the fluorometric and mass-spectral sensors on the devices "Chromatek-Cristall 5000.2", LC-20 "Prominence", GCMC-Q2010nc Plus Shimadzu company. Measurement was performed in accredited laboratories of the Institute of Toxicology.

Quantitative method of assessment of level of ecological safety of environment objects, goods, products and services was developed. The basis of the methodology is quantitative measure of a level of ecological safety by an integral index of industrial pollution Ipol. The basic levels of environmental safety for human consumption of products were determined: highest, high, admissible, low and extremely low, corresponding to different ranges of values Ipol. The order of procedure of an assessment of the ecological safety level is defined and the accompanying difficulties are noted. As an example the assessment of the level of environmental security of natural water from various sources of Leningrad region and the results of their ranking were provided.

The developed method can be used to assess the level of environmental security of environmental objects, goods, products and services, particularly in the system of FMBA and the Federal Agency for technical regulation and metrology in the departments of the environmental certification of products, goods and services.


Integral index of industrial pollution, the level of environmental safety for human health, limiting indicator of harm, priority technogenic pollutants.

Non-drug correction of vegetative disorders among the participants of armed conflicts.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 29-34

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: O.V. Dostovalova, A.A. Zaitsev, N.G. Abdulkina.

Organization: Federal State Institution Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Physiotherapy and Balneology of FMBA of Russia, Tomsk.


The objective is to study the influence of physiotherapy and balneotherapy on initial vegetative tone at persons, residing in stressful situations, according to the heart rate variability.

Materials and methods:
The study was performed on 156 participants of armed conflict, the men aged 22-44 years (average age 29.2±0.6 years). All patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the treatment complex. Each group was divided more on four according the original vegetative tone, defined by ECG examination.

The research of the dynamics of indexes of the vegetative nervous system by ECG examination before and after treatment with complex I found in the group of patients with original vegetative tone (IWT) hypersympathicotoniya (I) increase dX (p<0.05). At the same time decreased AMo (p<0.001) and the tension index (TI) of the body regulatory systems (p<0.001). When treating complex II in patients with IWT hypersympathicotoniya significant changes were not revealed.

In patients with IWT vagotoniya after a course of therapy with complex I observed reliable decrease dX (p<0.01), with a simultaneous increase AMo (p<0.01) and TI almost in three times. When exposed to a complex II it was shown a significant reduction of the parasympathetic influence (dX was decreased by 24%), but it is observed the simpatic increase (AMo at p<0.05) and the strengthening of centralization (TI was increased in 2 times) that demonstrates mobilization of the organism and physiological level of functioning.

1. In persons long staying in stressful situations, pathophysiological shifts of regulatory systems observed.

2. Treatment with complex I, including galvanized neck area and the overall pearl baths leads to reduced activity of the sympathetic adrenal system and the central element of regulation.

3. Treatment with complex II, including quantum therapy and general radon baths leads to activation of central regulation mechanisms and the reduction of the impact of the vagus nerve.


Сhronic stress, vegetative nervous system, heart rate variability, physiotherapy and balneotherapy.

Clinical and morphological characteristics of eye affection by dibenz [b,f][1,4] oxazepine.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 35-40

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: S.I. Tolmachev, L.A. Mukovskiy, N.V. Lapina, R.I. Glukhova, Yu.A. Khrustaleva.

Organization: Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Toxicology of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg; 111 Main State Center of Medicolegal and Criminalistics Examinations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow.


The objective is to estimate clinical and morphological lesions of dibenz [b,f][1,4] oxazepine exposure to the eyes of laboratory animals.

Materials and methods:
The experimental studies were conducted on adult rabbits breed "Chinchilla" both sexes, weight 2.4-3.3 kg. During the experiment 0.1% solution of dibenz [b,f][1,4] oxazepine (CR) in ethanol was placed in conjunctive cavity of animals. Animals were supervised within 14 days. Assessment of irritating action of irritant on eyes of animals was performed in accordance with the "Guidelines for medico-biological safety assessment of means of self-defense" (1998).

Microscopic examination of enucleated eyes of experimental animals was held through 7 and 14 days.

According to the results of clinical observations of animals it was found that the symptoms of irritation in groups on the first day almost similar. The intensity of symptoms and their duration depends on the quality of substance contained in entered solution.

The greatest difference in morphological picture was revealed on 14th day in the group received instillation of 0.2 mg CR.

Dibenz [b,f][1,4] oxazepine has a strong irritant action on the mucous membrane of the eyes. The intensity, duration of symptoms, and histological pattern directly depend on the number of irritating agent instilled into the conjunctival cavity.


Dibenz [b,f][1,4] oxazepine, gas weapon of self-defense, morphology.

Radioactive substances and puncture wounds.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 41-52

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: I.K. Belyaev, E.S. Zhorova, V.S. Kalistratova, P.G. Nisimov, I.M. Parfyonova, G.S. Tishchenko, V.N. Yatsenko.

Organization: Federal State Institution Medical Biophysical center named after A.I. Burnazyan of FMBA of Russia, Moscow.


Biokinetic models of an exchange of radionuclides in a puncture wound are presented. Interspecific extrapolation of data of radionuclide content in wound was reviewed. The resorption of compounds 239,238Pu and 241Am from controlled puncture wounds was discussed.


Radioactive substances puncture wounds.

Organization of air pollution monitoring in the closed administrative territorial formation, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 53-57

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: V.P. Blokhin, N.V. Senina.

Organization: Regional office №51 of FMBA of Russia, closed administrative territorial formation, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region.


This article reflects practice and peculiarities of monitoring of atmospheric air pollution on the territory of the administrative territorial formation, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region, located in the zone of technogenic impact of the enterprises of nuclear industry and rocket and space complex, as well as experience on the use of risk assessment methodology in the practice of social and hygienic monitoring.


Environment, anthropogenic factors, population, risk to the person’s health.

Indicators of the health of workers that are subjected to observation in the system of industrial health.Dynamics of basic indicators of health.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 58-64

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: I.A. Vologodskaya, T.V. Azizova, E.P. Fomin, O.E. Kharitonov.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Central Medical and Sanitary Unit №71 of FMBA of Russia, Ozersk, Chelyabinsk region.


The objective is to analyze the basic health indicators of workers in Ozersk enterprises that are in contact with harmful and/or dangerous production factors and are subject to medical monitoring in the system of industrial health.

Material and methods
The analysis of the basic indicators of health was conducted according to the official medical statistics of Central Medical and Sanitary Unit №71. Classification of diseases was made according to International Classification of Diseases-10. In order to establish the strength of the statistical connections the method of correlation analysis and pair correlation index (r) were used. For calculations and graphs standard statistical package Microsoft Excel was applied.

At the analysis of the main indicators of the health of workers observed in the system of industrial health, in dynamics for 2000-2008 a positive trend was set in the decrease in morbidity rates (r= - 0.78), the primary disease (r= - 0.40), primary disability (r= - 0.6) and mortality rate (r= - 0.8). The reduction in the prevalence of socially significant diseases such as diseases characterized by high blood pressure, and coronary heart disease was noted. In addition, in respect of such diseases as bronchial asthma, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer the tendencies to reduction of both prevalence and incidence were noticed. On the indicators of primary incidence in the XII-th class of diseases (Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue) the steady tendency to growth (r = 0.9) is marked, and on prevalence indicators a steady tendency to decrease is noted (r = - 0.8) that can testify to growth of forms of the diseases which aren't under dispensary supervision. The same dynamics, but with less expression is typical to infectious and parasitic diseases (I class).

A steady trend towards reduction in the prevalence of all of these diseases can be regarded as a positive moment in the aspect of reduction of quantity of workers that potentially have a general medical contraindications to up-to start in contact with harmful, dangerous substances and production factors (Annex 4 to Order of Ministry of Health and the order MP RF dated 14.03.1996 № 90).


Total and primary morbidity, indicators of prevalence, rates of disability and mortality, the workers of enterprises of the city of Ozersk, working in contact with harmful and/or dangerous production factors, the system of industrial health.

The state of immune status of officers of the object destruction of chemical weapons, Kambarka city.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 65-70

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: L.V. Zhuravleva, E.G. Knyazeva, O.V. Mukhacheva, I.B. Sokolova, B.N. Filatov.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №41 of FMBA of Russia, Glazov; Scientific Research Institute of Hygiene, Toxicology and occupational pathology of FMBA of Russia, Volgograd.


The objective is to evaluate the immune status of the employees responsible for destruction of chemical weapons and working in the premises where there is a potential health hazard of lewisite affection.

Material and methods
In 2007 237 employees of the facility for destruction of chemical weapons in Kambarka underwent blood tests for research. These samples were mixed with stabilizers and put into containers. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the number of leukocytes and leukocyte formula were defined; Kalf−Khalif's intoxication leukocyte index, phagocyte activity and absorbing ability of neutrophils, metabolic activity of neutrophils in nitroblue tetrazolium test (NBT) were determined. Indicators of a humoral immunity: immunoglobulin A, immunoglobulin M, immunoglobulin G, α-factor of tumor necrosis, γ-interferon, interleykin-Iβ, interleykin-4 were analyzed in serum by method of the immunofermental analysis (IFA).

Even when working in the regular mode of production, the organism of the workers is in the conditions of the increased physiological load due to performing work in the isolating means of protection. The destruction of tanks containing lewisite represents the extreme danger because of possibility of emergency situations and, consequently, the ability of acute poisoning by lewisite and its degradation products. The immune system is the most susceptible to the impact of foreign agents. Therefore, the detection of immunotoxic effects in workers of facility for destruction of lewisite is an actual problem. In this respect, the particular interest is the evaluation of the concentration of cytokines that perform a leading role in regulation of the immune response [1]. As a result of research of indicators of the immune status of the persons which are working and not working in the conditions of potential contact with a lewisite it wasn't revealed reliable differences.

Obtained results indicate that technical measures aimed to prevent from chemical contamination of the working environment and the application of efficient insulating means of individual protection provide prevention of lewisite and its products industrial intoxication among workers of the destruction facility of chemical weapons in Kambarka city.


Object of destruction of the chemical weapon, lewisite, production personnel, immune status.

Assessment of risk factors and results of endoscopic research in workers who are subject to periodic medical examination.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 71-76

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: V.N. Protsenko, G.I. Arkhipova.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №97 of FMBA of Russia, Voronezh.


The objective is to define the relationship of risk factors and prevalence of digestive system diseases among employees exposed to harmful factors.

Material and methods
Endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum in 1357 individuals with risk factors of digestive tract pathology was performed.

On average, 88% of subjects had a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract of varying severity. The main reason is harmful habits, such as smoking (70.9% of patients are smokers). Body mass of patients was normal and only in a few cases higher than should be.

Obtained results allow to conduct a prophylactic medical examination of people working in harmful conditions and to reveal pathology of the gastrointestinal tract on the earlier stages.


Influence of harmful production factors, health, prophylactic examinations.

Medical and sanitary provision of patients with acute poisoning by chlorine in Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 of FMBA of Russia.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 77-84

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: N.F. Dragunova, A.G. Batrakova, N.G. Alekseeva.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 of FMBA of Russia, Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic.


The medical staff has the necessary professional pathology training (2 doctors have professional pathology certificate, 14 doctors have advanced course).

Stages, timeliness, quality of medical care in acute chlorine poisoning are established by the Regulation of specialized emergency medical care in Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 in case of chemical accident on workplace; according to this document specialized medical care consists of 2 levels, federal and territorial (on-site). Territorial level is represented by regular and non-regular formations of medical care. Regular formations of Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 of FMBA of Russia consists of emergency medical care, therapeutic (occupational) department, 4 aid posts and clinical-diagnostic laboratory. Non-regular formation of Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 are presented by toxic and therapeutic brigade and radiation and chemical supervision. Medical care of Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 works in 3 modes: mode of daily activities, the mode of increased readiness, the regime of emergency situation. The mode of daily activities is the daily work of all departments. Regular and non-regular formations of Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 are in constant readiness for liquidation of consequences of a possible accident at opened JSC "Khimprom". When chemical situation on JSC "Khimprom" becomes worse the mode of increased readiness take place. Formations of Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 are in increased readiness and ready to provide medical assistance to victims. When the emergency services of opened JSC "Khimprom" unable to locate the leak of chemicals and there are victims, a state of emergency take place. The system of medical assistance to victims in acute poisoning by chlorine includes interaction of Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 with FMBA of Russia, Regional Department №29, Hygiene and epidemiology center №29, Ministry of Emergency situations of Russia, Ministry of health and social development of Chuvash Republic. This action helps to determine the risk from the accident for the population and the environment; measures to eliminate the consequences of accidents, investigation of causes and severity of the disability of the injured are taken.


Chemical accident, substances, irritants, acute and chronic intoxication, extent of injury, clinical picture of poisoning, Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №29 FMBA of Russia, medical treatment in acute poisoning by chlorine, regulatory framework.

X-ray computed tomography in endoprosthesis replacement of coxofemoral joint.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 85-89

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: A.N. Semizorov, S.V. Romanov, S.M. Avdonin, P.I. Rykhtik.

Organization: Federal State Institution Volga Regional Medical Center of FMBA of Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod.


The objective is to determine advisability of X-ray CT during examination of the coxofemoral joint in patients, who underwent total endoprosthesis replacement.

Material and methods
78 patients with degenerative-dystrophic processes of coxofemoral joints were examined by X-ray CT on spiral tomography.

X-ray computed tomography (CT) in assessing the state of coxofemoral joints enables to investigate the form and position of the bones in details, the structure of the bone, geometrical parameters of the articular surfaces. These data are necessary for hi-tech surgery of endoprosthesis replacement.

X-ray CT clarifies the diagnosis, identifies morphological peculiarities of bone tissue and determines the geometrical parameters that are important for surgery. The method is indicated to all patients undergoing endoprosthesis replacement.


Computed tomography, coxofemoral joint, endoprosthesis replacement.

Microbiocenosis of stomach in patients with gastritis.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 90-96

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: V.E. Vedernikov, U.A. Zakharova, T.V. Shilkina.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №140 of FMBA of Russia, Perm.


The objective is to investigate the microbiocenosis of stomach in patients with acute and chronic gastritis.

Material and methods
28 stomach biotope of patients aged from17 to 80 years with gastritis were examined. Assessment of microbiocenosis included specific identification of pathogens, observation of virulence factors, and determination of sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

The research has revealed a high level of colonization of the stomach mucosa by opportunistic microorganisms (82.1±7.2 %) with the background of low Helicobacter pylori inoculation (7.1±4.8%). In general, 55 species of bacterial flora identified with dominated Streptococcus sp. The following structure of microflora was observed: 36.3±6.5% of strains had a natural or acquired pathogenic factor (virulence) and 45.5±6.7% had resistance to eradication therapy.

Microbiocenosis of the stomach in patients with acute and chronic gastritis was presented by Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus sp., Enterobacteriaceae spp. and Candidas sp. that have phenotypic variability, virulent properties and resistance to antibacterial drugs.


Acute and chronic gastritis, stomach biotope, opportunistic microorganisms, factors of pathogenicity, antibiotic resistance, eradication therapy.

Studying of biocidal action of an interpolymer covering on the basis of a polyhexamethyleneguanidine.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 97-104

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: O.N. Dobrokhotskiy, G.A. Zinoviev, I.I. Vointseva, O.N. Skorokhodova, N.V. Negriy, A.L. Mazanov, R.V. Borovik.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №164 of FMBA of Russia, Obolensk; Limited Liability Company "Evima-M", Moscow; Federal State Research Institution Scientific and Research Center of toxicology and hygienic regulation of biodrugs of FMBA of Russia, Serpukhov.


The objective is to study the efficacy and safety of the use of biocidal based coatings based on interpolymer polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride (PHMGH) and chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSM) for disinfection and conservation of drinking water, equipment protection against microorganisms.

Material and methods
Biocidal lacquer, representing a solution of interpolymer polyhexamethyleneguanidine hydrochloride (PHMGH) and chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSM) in the solvent, was applied to a primed steel plate. After firming the lacquer at 70°C samples of interpolymer different coatings containing from 9.5% to 30% of the associated PHMGH were received.

Water resistance and other physical and chemical properties of samples of coverings (adhesion, relative hardness, explosive durability and elasticity) were examined. 6 samples of coverings containing from 9.5% to 19% of bound PHMGH were selected; these samples were water resistant, their efficiency as to test culture (E. Coli) in the water environment was defined.

Based on the trials, a sample of interpolymer covering with optimum structure that combines water resistance and biocidal activity against E. Coli was selected. The effectiveness of optimum structure covering was observed for equipment protection against microorganisms and disinfection of the water, contaminated by test-cultures Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas cepaciae, Salmonella enteritidis, Bacillus globigii (bacteria and spores). The concentration of test-microorganisms in water samples and washouts from the surface was determined by the standard of medical and biological preparations named after L.A. Tarasevich (in triplicates with calculation of average sizes and confidential intervals).

The opportunity of water conservation above interpolymer coating (observation period amounted to 420 days) was investigated.
Toxicological characteristics of the water, contacting with biocidal covering, were determined according to the chemical analysis, as well as using biotesting on Daphnia (Daphnia magna Straus).

The optimal composition of interpolymer covering is PHMGH / CSM = 19:81%, combining water resistance and efficacy against the test organisms. It is shown that in the water environment covering has a strong bactericidal activity against E. Coli, Bacillus globigii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, Pseudomonas cepaciae and weak sporicidal action against of Bacillus globigii.

It was established that preventing secondary microbial contamination of drinking water and surfaces is not hazardous in contact with drinking water, because in the water above the covering free PHMGH doesn't exceed maximum permissible concentration (1 mg/l). This fact is confirmed by the biological test results with Daphnia.

Interpolymer covering PHMGH / CSM can be used to prevent microbial contamination of water and also for equipment protection against microorganisms.


Polyguanidines, biocidal coverage, biofilm, water disinfection.

Medical and social characteristics of epilepsy in the closed administrative territorial formation Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 105-111

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: A.V. Sadykova, G.Ya. Melnikov, N.A. Shnaider, A.V. Shulmin.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Clinical hospital №51 of FMBA of Russia STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetskiy of Federal Agency of Health and Social Development.


The objective is to investigate the medical and social characteristics of epilepsy and epileptic syndromes in closed administrative territorial formation, Zheleznogorsk city.

Material and methods
320 clinical cases of epilepsy and epileptic syndromes in patients who underwent examination, clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment in the office of rehabilitation treatment for the medical care of patients with epilepsy and epileptic syndromes were analyzed between 2007 and 2009. Methods of neurological, neurophysiological and neuroradiological examinations were used for diagnostics of epilepsy.

The prevalence of epilepsy (February 2009) was 279.7 cases per 100 000 population. The age of patients ranged from 4 months up to 87 years and 7 months, the average age was 32±20,97 [95% CI: 15-52] years. The age of the female patients varied from 4 months to 87.5 years, the average age was 35.1±32.8 [95% CI: 15-53] years (p<0.6419). Age of debut of epilepsy in the total sample ranged from 1 month to 84.4 years, the average age of debut was 26.1±18.8 [95% CI: 9-43] years. The duration of epilepsy ranged from 1 month to 53.5 years, the average duration was 8.3±4.0 [95% CI: 1.5 to 11.5] years.

The analysis of distribution depending on the level of education has identified pre-possession of persons with secondary special education who were adult workers as well as patients with incomplete secondary special education (children and adolescents). The level of disability of patients with epilepsy in closed administrative territorial formation, Zheleznogorsk was 34.6%. Specific weight of the unemployed was 2.9%. Disease duration is high. Patients require long-term monitoring, adequate therapy and implementation of new methods of diagnostics, such as EEG-video monitoring, up-to-date methods of neurovisualisation, therapeutic supervision of the level of antiepileptic drugs in blood serum.


Epilepsy, medical and social assistance, closed administrative territorial formation, Zheleznogorsk city.

Readiness of medical sanitary unit №92 to work in extreme situations.

Year: 2011 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 112-115

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: V.V. Seznev, K.V. Loginov.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №92 of FMBA of Russia, Miass.


The problems of training of medical facilities to work in emergency situations were analyzed. The drawbacks in planning coordination of medical care in emergency situations were revealed; the problems in training of medical staff and in antidote supply were shown. The main directions of theoretical and practical preparation of the personnel of emergency brigade reaction were given.


Chemical safety, prevention of emergency situations on chemically dangerous objects, medical assistance.
