Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 8-20
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Sosnina S.F., Okatenko P.V.
Southern Urals Biophysics Institute of the FMBA of Russia, Ozyorsk, 456780, Russian Federation
Introduction. Assessment of the hazard of preconception radiation exposure for future generations is essential for the development of hygienic standards of production exposure of individuals of reproductive age. Aim of the study. A comparative analysis of the structure of nonneoplastic pathology in children of Mayak female workers occupationally exposed to gamma-radiation before conception. Material and methods. A retrospective epidemiological study was performed based on a cohort of personnel of the Mayak Production Association (Mayak PA) employed in 1948-1982 and on Ozyorsk’s children’s health registry. Incidence of nonneoplastic pathology was traced among 10581 children under 15; 1742 of them were offspring of 1266 Mayak PA female workers exposed to preconception radiation. Children of unexposed parents (n = 8839) made the comparison group. Analysis of dosimetry characteristics of external gamma and internal alpha (due to incorporated Plutonium-239) exposure of the parents who were Mayak PA workers is presented. The incidence rate of children’s morbidity by classes of nonneoplastic pathology was calculated. Statistical analysis was performed using nonparametric statistics. Results. Analysis of individual doses of the mothers who were Mayak PA workers demonstrated a wide range of accumulated preconception doses of external gamma-exposure to the gonads: 0.04-4048.5 mGy with a median absorbed dose for the ovary equal to 167.4 mGy. Information on the doses of in utero exposure was available for 1242 offspring that varied from 0.01 to 651.4 mGy with average dose – 34.5 ± 60.1 mGy. 53.6% of the mothers working at Mayak PA (678 individuals) underwent individual biophysical monitoring, a maximum accumulated dose of internal gamma-exposure to the gonads reached 11.36 cGy with an average value of 0.11 ± 0.59 cGy. Diseases of the respiratory system, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with a high proportion of allergodermathosis, diseases of the digestive system with a high incidence of gastroduodenal disorders and diseases of hepatobiliary system prevailed in the structure of nonneoplastic pathologies of exposed mothers’ offspring. Comparing to a group of offspring of unexposed parents one may note a statistically significant increase in the incidence rate of chronic pathology of the lower respiratory tract, allergodermathosis, diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, pathologies of eye muscular system. Significant predominance over a group of unexposed parents was registered for endocrine diseases as a whole including nonneoplastic thyroid pathology with a significant contribution of a subgroup of girls, daughters of exposed mothers; for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue including deforming dorsopathies; for diseases of the circulatory system due to non-rheumatic heart diseases. A high incidence of polymorbidities was registered in a group of offspring of mothers exposed to radiation before conception. Conclusion. The detected differences do not exclude a specific role of preconception exposure of gonads in the development of nonneoplastic pathology in offspring that requires further analysis. Research of the effects of parental exposure for the health of the offspring is essential for solving issues of radiation security of the personnel of atomic production facilities and medical monitoring of risk groups in the child population.
nonneoplastic incidence; children; radiation; Mayak PA; parental exposure.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 21-27
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Simonova T.M., Efimenko N.V., Nastyukov V.V., Mkrtchyan A.M.
Pyatigorsk Scientific Research Institute of Resort Study, a branch of «North Caucasian Federal Scientific Clinical Center of the Federal Medical Biological Agency», Pyatigorsk, 357500, Russian Federation
Urolithiasis is one of the leading urological diseases by frequency. The annual incidence of urolithiasis in the world is from 0.5 to 5.3%, the working-age population is predominantly affected - from 20 to 50 years old, and severe complications and relapses (up to 65%) often lead to long-term disability and are one of the reasons for the decline in the quality of life, disability and mortality. Material and methods. There have been examined 80 of fleet personnel based on Urolithiasis. The complex of therapeutic measures included a sanatorium and resort regime; therapeutic nutrition according to diet № 6; physiotherapy exercises; internal intake of mineral water (MW) of Zheleznovodsk spring "Slavyanovsky" and mineral baths in the control group (CG) of 40 people. The main group (MG) included 40 patients. They additionally received INESP procedures from “Hivamat-200” apparatus. Results. The patients of the MG had the most statistically significant positive dynamics of major clinical and paraclinic indicators. Inclusion of INESP in the complex of resort therapy of urolithiasis allows to achieve faster regression of clinical manifestations of the disease and improvement of functional state of urinary system compared to traditional methods. Improvement of treatment efficiency is achieved by means of comparative and potentiating action of mineral water and INESP. Conclusion. The use of INESP in complex resort therapy of ICD, with the leading role of internal administration of low-mineralized MW, has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes, hemomicrocirculation and glomerular filtration, which leads to correction of dysmetabolic disorders, enhancement of diuresis, withdrawal of hempseed calculus and in general contributes to metaphilaxis of urolithiasis.
urolithiasis, fleet personnel, mineral water, pulse low- frequency electric field.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 28-38
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Uiba V.V.1, Barankin B.V.2, Kabaev E.M.3, Simonov K.V.4
1Institute for Advanced Studies, FMBA, Moscow, 125310, Russian Federation; 2FMBA, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation; 3Center for Restorative Medicine of the Federal Siberian Research and Clinical Center of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation; 4Institute of Computational Modeling Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russian Federation
The possibilities of using robotic mechanotherapy at the Con-Trex complex in the rehabilitation treatment of patients after arthroscopic reconstructive surgery on the shoulder joint were studied. The development and justification of medical recommendations for doctors specialized in physical therapy, sports medicine, orthopedic traumatologists for the provision of targeted rehabilitation assistance using robotic mechanotherapy with biofeedback has been completed. The development of a new schedule for the treatment and rehabilitation of diseases and injuries of the shoulder joint improving treatment results with monitoring indicators obtained from working with the isokinetic dynamometer Con-Trex MJ. The analysis of statistics and modeling of data from Con-Trex obtained in the course of experimental studies are performed. On this basis, elements of the methodology have been developed to increase efficiency and accelerate the rehabilitation process. Improving the visual presentation for the entire set of initial experimental clinical data of Con-Trex using approximations by neural networks, based on elastic maps, as well as within the framework of a histogram approach, allows increasing the accuracy of diagnostic estimates.
postoperative rehabilitation; shoulder joint; robotic mechanotherapy; Con-trex; joint remodeling; isokinetics; numerical data modeling; nonlinear regression; visualization; elastic map method; histogram approach.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 39-48-
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Kazantsev A.N.1,2, Sumtsova E.M.1, Shabaev A.R.2, Burkov N.N.2
1Federal State Budgetary Institution of Health Protection, central health unit No. 38 of the FMBA of Russia, 188540, Sosnovy Bor; 2Kemerovo Regional Clinical Cardiology Dispensary, 650002, Kemerovo;
Purpose. Analysis of the hospital results of the combined (coronary bypass surgery + carotid endarterectomy (CABG + CEE); percutaneous coronary intervention + carotid endarterectomy (PCI + CEE)) and phased (CABG-CEE; CEE-CABG) surgical treatment strategies for patients with concomitant arteriosis (ICA) and coronary arteries (CA). Material and methods. This study included 330 patients with combined atherosclerotic lesions of the СА and ICA for the period from 2010 to 2016. Depending on the implemented revascularization strategy, all patients were divided into several groups: Group 1 - CABG-СEE (104 patients; 31.5%); Group 2 - CABG + CEE (116 patients; 35.1%); Group 3 - PCI + CEE (64 patients; 19.4%); Group 4 - CEECABG (46 patients; 13.9%). Results. The hospital mortality rate in the total study sample was 0.9% (n = 3). Among hospital complications, the first place was hemorrhage associated with CABG, requiring remediastinotomy - 3.9% (n = 13) and then - acute cerebrovascular accident (stroke) - 2.4% (n = 8). In the CABG-KEE group, 1 (0.96%) lethal outcome, 1 (0.96%) MI, 3 (2.88%) stroke, 3 (2.88%) bleeding were recorded. In the CABG + CEE group, 2 (1.72%) deaths, 2 (1.72%) MI, 5 (4.31%) stroke, 9 (7.75%) bleeds were recorded. In the PCI + CEE group, the only adverse event was the presence of acute hematoma in the CEE region, which required wound revision (n = 3 (4.68%)). In the CEE-CABG group, 1 (2.17%) hemorrhagic complication associated with CEE was also recorded. Conclusion. Such revascularization strategies as CABG + СEE and KEE- CABG were characterized by the absence of catastrophes in the coronary and coronary bed due to the initially lighter comorbid background and less pronounced stenotic lesions of the presented basins. The tactics of CABG + CEE, in which the most severe patients were concentrated, was distinguished by the absence of a critical increase in the frequency of complications despite the maximum number of patients with multivascular damage and stem stenosis, high grade angina and the severity of concomitant pathology.
carotid endarterectomy, percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass grafting, hybrid revascularization, combined surgery, phased strategy, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 49-60-
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Radilov А.S., Kombarova M.Yu., Pavlova А.А., Gorbunov А.Yu., Gulyaev D.V., Каrmanov Е.Yu.
Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Eсоlоgy Federal State Unitary Enterprise, FMBA, St. Petersburg, 188663, Russian Federation
A change in the content of chemical elements in environmental objects naturally affects their content in human biosubstrates, which is an indirect sign of the effects of toxic substances on the human body. The aim of the current study is the investigation of unfavorable environmental factors influence on mineral status of the population in Armyansk city (Republic of Crimea). The main purpose was to investigate the regional features of the hair mineral profile of the Armyansk city population and compare it to literature data concerning Krasnodar and Rostov regions. The article presents the results of the survey of 54 people (10 children aged under 14 years (boys) and 44 women). 27 chemical elements in hairs were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) 7700x Agilent: Ca, K, Mg, Na, Р, Fe, J, Cu, Co, Cr, Se, Mn, Zn, B, Li, Si, V, Ni, Al, As, Be, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sn, Ag, Sr. The elevated levels of silicon and tin in the hair samples were common to the entire population of Armyansk. The priority ecotoxicants for children were silicon and tin (100%), for adults - silicon, aluminum, lithium, tin, lead, strontium, signs of their excessive accumulation in the body relative to the population of Krasnodar Krai and Rostov region were found in 98, 93, 77, 70 and 64% of adults, respectively. It could testify the technogenic impact on the health status of the population due to prevailing environmental conditions. Relative to other compared subjects of the Southern Federal District (SFD), Armyansk city population suffers from an increased prevalence of hypoelementosis through vital micronutrients. The greatest risk of Cu (70-84%), Zn (70-90%), Cr (80-70%) deficiency is characteristic of all residents – children and adults, but the risk of Mn (80-100%), Fe (60-70%) and Se (60-90%) deficiency prevails in children. Trends of both highly toxic micronutrient content increasing and vital micronutrient content decreasing require further investigations and development of novel therapeutic approaches. It is necessary to monitor the population element profile for further correction of violations found.
chemical elements; hair samples; population; deficiency; excess; conditionally biologically acceptable level.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 61-67-
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Antonov V.A., Klauchek V.V., Krylova N.V., Frolov A.S., Charova T.A., Tobolskaya-Pospelova M.M., Sazonova N.G., Konchin A.A., Belousova T.N., Pak V.A.
FSUE «Research Institute of Hygiene, Toxicology and Occupational Pathology» FMBA Russia, Volgograd, 400048, Russian Federationn
The article is devoted to the work results performed to assess the activities impact of The Public Joint Stock Company “Proton - Perm Motors” Test Zone on environmental contamination and residents health living in the facility area. The PJSC «Proton-Perm Motors» Test Zone is intended for firing tests of liquid-fuel rocket engines. The leading component of rocket fuel is asymmetric dimethylhydrazin, the substance of 1 hazard class, the mobile toxicant that can accumulate in natural ecosystems. The environmental and hygienic assessment of the atmospheric air state, surface water bodies and soil on the territory surrounding to the «Proton-Perm Motors» Test Zone for the period 2013–2018 years was carried out in accordance with current regulatory and legal documents. The analysis of medical and demographic indicators and morbidity of the population living in the facility area for 2013–2017 years was carried out according to the statistical reporting data. During the considered time period, the content of priority pollutants in atmospheric air, surface water bodies and soil of the test zone basically complied with hygienic standards. Concentrations of asymmetric dimethylhydrazine in environmental objects were lower than the sensitivity of corresponding determination methods. The statistical data analysis and the morbidity structure of Novyye Lyady village residents of the Sverdlovsk region of Perm did not found out the negative effect of this chemically hazardous object on public health. The absence of the effect of chemically hazardous object activity of «Proton-Perm Motors» PLC test zone on the environment and public health state is established.
chemically hazardous object; test zone; components of rocket fuel; environment state; ecological and hygienic assessment; population, population morbidity.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 68-74-
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Sigaev V.I., Vorobyov A.V., Tolchinsky A.D., Uspenskaya S.N., Zvyagina E.V., Surnova V.I., Zharikov G.A., Kraynova O.A.
National Research Centre «Institute of Immunology» of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation
The concentration of bacteria strain-heptyl destructor Pseudomonas sp. and strain-aviation kerosene destructor of the Rhodococcus sp. in the air of the working area when handling the vertical and horizontal surfaces of premises, as well as external vertical surfaces of buildings and soil experimental platforms are studied. Surfaces of premises, the concentration of the bacteria strain-destructors in the air of the working area may exceed MAC (maximum allowable concentration) by 12-30 times are shows. Under processing external surfaces of buildings and soil-experienced sites the concentration of bacteria in the air of the working area does not exceed the MAC. The strain- aviation kerosene destructor of the Rhodococcus sp. ceteris paribus (concentration of bacterial suspension, handling modes, etc.) was established to be more resistant to external factors, accompanying the process of processing than strain-heptyl destructor Pseudomonas sp.
strains-destructors; heptyl; aviation kerosene; remediation of buildings and soil areas; concentration of bacteria in the air of the working area.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 68-74-
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Sigaev V.I., Vorobyov A.V., Tolchinsky A.D., Uspenskaya S.N., Zvyagina E.V., Surnova V.I., Zharikov G.A., Kraynova O.A.
National Research Centre «Institute of Immunology» of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow, 115478, Russian Federation
The concentration of bacteria strain-heptyl destructor Pseudomonas sp. and strain-aviation kerosene destructor of the Rhodococcus sp. in the air of the working area when handling the vertical and horizontal surfaces of premises, as well as external vertical surfaces of buildings and soil experimental platforms are studied. Surfaces of premises, the concentration of the bacteria strain-destructors in the air of the working area may exceed MAC (maximum allowable concentration) by 12-30 times are shows. Under processing external surfaces of buildings and soil-experienced sites the concentration of bacteria in the air of the working area does not exceed the MAC. The strain- aviation kerosene destructor of the Rhodococcus sp. ceteris paribus (concentration of bacterial suspension, handling modes, etc.) was established to be more resistant to external factors, accompanying the process of processing than strain-heptyl destructor Pseudomonas sp.
strains-destructors; heptyl; aviation kerosene; remediation of buildings and soil areas; concentration of bacteria in the air of the working area.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 75-83
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Semenova O.N., Ivanov S.E., Shashkova O.B., Hudyakova O.M., Smirnova S.V.
State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation
Objective. An objective of the article is to assess manmade soil pollution with heavy metals in the area of residential development in CTF Tsiolkovsky at the initial stage of operation of the ground space infrastructure of the Vostochny cosmodrome. Material and methods. Within monitoring of hazardous chemical factors, gross content and concentrations of movable forms of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Мп) and arsenic (As) in soils of socially important objects in the residential area of the CTF Tsiolkovsky were studied. The quantitative determination of metals in soil samples was carried out by methods of atomic absorption spectrometry using «Quant-2AT» and «Quant-Z.ETA-T» (Russia) installations and by atomic emission spectrometry using MP AES «Agilent 4200» (USA) installation. The decomposition of the samples in determining the gross content of elements in the soil was carried out by microwave decomposition; while in the determination of the mobile forms of the elements, the soil was extracted with an acetateammonium buffer solution with a pH of 4.8. Results. Current health physics regulations (MPC and APC for various types of soil) of the gross content of heavy metals in all analyzed soil samples were not exceeded. The contents of mobile forms exceed the MPC for lead by 1.1-2 times; for zinc - 1.1-1.7 times; for copper - 1.1 times and for manganese - 1.2-3.8 times. This indicates manmade pollution of the soil resulted from automobile transport releases and housing and communal services. Conclusion. The results of medical and health physics studies of 2018-2019 confirm that the activities of the Vostochny cosmodrome facilities at the initial stage of the cosmodrome operation do not affect the soil element composition in the residential area of the CTF Tsiolkovsky.
heavy metals; arsenic; gross content; movable forms; soil; manmade pollution; CTF Tsiolkovsky; Vostochny cosmodrome.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 75-83
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Smolyakov Yu.N.1,2
1Chita State Medical Academy, Chita, 672000, Russian Federation; 2Innovative clinic "Academy of Health", Chita, 672038, Russian Federation
The critical conditions for the performance of professional duties by the personnel of the ambulance station (AS) determine the complex of non-specific adaptive responses developing in the body. Adaptation mechanisms primarily affect the central nervous system (CNS) and, as a consequence, the autonomic nervous system and hemodynamics. Material and methods. The study involved 35 employees of the ambulance station (AS). Among the subjects there were 19 men and 16 women aged from 20 to 55 years (34.8±12.8 years). The analysis of electroencephalograms (EEG), heart rate variability (HRV) and microcirculatory hemodynamics before the start of daily duty and immediately after it. Statistical methods evaluated the dynamics of quantitative indices of all methods and calculate the correlation relationships within their quantitative indices and between them. The results of the study. EEG showed a decrease in total activity, mainly due to theta activity (from 28.1 [16.7-41.1] to 16.6 [11.3-22.3] μV2/Hz, p = 0.011). The HRV method demonstrates a significant decrease in average heart rates (from 81.8 [74.9-88.5] to 77.1 [69.7-81.2] bpm, p=0.012) and a shift in the autonomic balance towards parasympathetic influences. Of the hemodynamic indices, the lowfrequency component HI1 significantly decreased (from 140 [121-163] to 132 [103-156], p=0.009), and as a result, the redistribution of normalized indices (RHI2, RHI3) changed. The result of a comprehensive comparison is reduced to a single correlation matrix, which displays the changes in the relationships before and after the job. The discussion of the results. In the overview assessment of intracluster relationships (within the same method), an insignificant difference in their structure is noted before and after the change. The revealed extracluster relationships demonstrate large differences in the studied periods of assessment. The intense functional load of AS personnel during the daily duty has a significant destabilizing effect on the functioning of regulatory systems (central and autonomous links). Conclusion. Adaptation responses demonstrate the stress character of the tested load, reflected in microcirculatory hemodynamic processes, the changes of which were significantly demonstrated in the study.
ambulance station; emotional burnout; EEG; HRV; hemodynamics.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 91-103
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Lebedeva M.A.1,2, Medvedeva Yu.S.2, Zolotov N.N.3, Baranov M.V.1, Karganov M.Yu.1,2
1Research institute for space medicine, Federal research clinical center of specialized types of medical care and medical technologies, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia, 115682, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation; 3Research Zakusov Institute of Pharmacology, Moscow, 125315, Russian Federation
Despite numerous studies, the mechanisms of the negative influence of space flight factors on the basic functions of the organism remain not fully disclosed. The purpose of this study was to study the early effects of simulated microgravity on the development of experimental ischemic damage to the rat’s myocardium. After a 14-day simulation of the microgravity as an additional pharmacological load on the rat myocardium, β-adrenoreceptors were stimulated by administering isoproterenol at a dose of 80 mg/kg on two consecutive days with an interval of 24 hours between applications. Evaluated integral indices of the state of the organism and changes in electrical and functional heart activity. Characteristic changes at the early stages after the successive action of two factors consisted in a significant loss of body weight, a change in the electrical conductivity of the myocardium ventricles, manifested in an increase in the QTc interval, the occurrence of a greater percentage of arrhythmias and the development of an inflammatory reaction. Simulation of microgravity followed by the introduction of isoproterenol leads to heart failure even to the death of animals. The heart mass index was significantly increased in the groups with the administration of β-adrenomimetics. An elevated serum corticosterone level was found in the experimental groups, most pronounced with the action of isoproterenol alone and in combination with exposure to microgravity. Changes were observed in the subfraction composition of blood serum (increase in the percentage of small and large particles) caused by the action of the two extreme factors – simulated microgravity and the administration of isoproterenol.
microgravity; hindlimb unloading; experimental myocardial infarction; isoproterenol; laser correlation spectroscopy.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 104-108
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Torshin G.S., Bumai O.K., Malinina S.V.
Research Institute of Industrial and Marine Medicine of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Saint-Petersburg, 196143, Russian Federation
Based on the research and analysis of regulatory documents, guidelines were developed to regulate measures for medical support of professional activities of sea and river vessel crews, divers and caissons in the Russian Federation, such as the draft order of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation «On approval of requirements for the presence of medical workers on ships», the draft regulatory legal document as Professional standard: “Ship’s medical worker», the draft order of the Ministry of health of Russia «About the statement of regulations about division of marine medicine medical organization», the draft order of the Ministry of health of Russia «On approval of requirements to the equipment of the ship kit», a draft regulatory act governing the conduct of medical organizations of medical advice by radio or satellite communication to vessels at sea, Sanitary rules on the sanitary-epidemiological requirements for physical, chemical and biological factors of the environment of divers, deep-sea divers and caissons. Based on the results obtained in the analysis of legal documents, we can draw the following conclusions: The developed documents will make a significant contribution to improving the legal framework in the field of marine and diving medicine, significantly improve the quality of medical support for the crews of sea and river vessels, providing primary pre-medical and medical health care, conducting sanitary and anti-epidemic measures, will allow regulating sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the factors of the environment of divers, deep-sea divers and caissons.
regulatory documents; marine and diving medicine.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 109-116
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Bumai O.K.1, Abakumov A.A.2, Turlakov Yu.S.1
1Research Institute of Industrial and Marine Medicine, Federal Medical Biological Agency, Saint-Petersburg, 196143, Russian Federation; 2Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, 123098, Russian Federation
Introduction. To improve the effectiveness of medical care in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to coordinate the actions of medical services of all ministries and departments working in this region. This task can be solved by creating a unified system of medical support for vessels in the waters of the Northern sea route. Material and methods. In conducting the data were analyzed by district health centers of the FMBA of Russia (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk) on the organization of medical maintenance of ships ' crews, especially the nuclear icebreaker fleet, as well as data on opportunities for medical evacuation in the waters of the Northern sea route using the methods of theoretical and empirical research, and also materials of the research Institute of PMM. Results and discussion. Based on the research and analysis of legal documents and literature, the principles of creating the Concept of a unified system of medical support for vessels in the waters of the Northern sea route were developed. Based on the results obtained during the work, it can be concluded that the developed principles can be used as the basis of the Concept, the implementation of its activities will make a significant contribution to improving the organization of medical support for the Navy, significantly improve the quality of medical care for river vessels, primary pre-medical and medical health care.
Northern sea route; Arctic zone of the Russian Federation; ship doctor; medical support; marine and diving medicine; regulatory documents.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 117-122
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Kazakevich E.V., Arkhipovsky V.L.
N.A. Semashko Northern Medical Clinical Center of Federal Medical-Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, 163000, Russian Federation
The article discusses an array of problems of legal regulation of drug supply for sea and river vessels. There was executed the analysis of the expired orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia determined the composition of the first-aid kit, as well as the reasons for their cancellation. There is given a consideration of the modern period: currently in Russia there are no regulatory documents on the medicinal provision of ships, shipowners use the recommendations of the International Guide to Ship Medicine. According to the 2006 Convention, ratified in Russia in 2012, the competent authority of the state must approve the composition of the first-aid kit and the procedure for its application. The ways to solve the existing problems are listed. So, in order to implement the requirements of the Convention 2006, it is necessary to amend various legislative acts of the Russian Federation and publish relevant administrative documents by the executive authorities on the procedure for providing ships with drugs, including narcotic and psychotropic preparation, and medical devices. The standards for drug provision should be determined for various categories of sea and river transport vessels. The development and approval of a special procedure for the administration of narcotic and psychotropic drugs on ships for the provision of medical care is required. It is necessary to allow shipowners using narcotic and psychotropic drugs for medical purposes without a license, to determine their storage on ships, the procedure for recording, control, as well as import (export) across the border of the Russian Federation.
marine medicine; sea and river vessels; a first-aid kit; narcotic and psychotropic drugs.
Year: 2020 (March) Number: №1 Pages: 123-129
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors:Malov A.M., Sibiryakov V.K.
Institute of Toxicology of Federal Medico-Biological Agency, Saint-Petersburg, 129019, Russian Federation
The analytical article substantiates the need to use standard biological materials containing toxic metals in public health, veterinary medicine while ensuring safety in emergencies and the field of environmental protection. Examples of relevant foreign and domestic standard materials are given. The prospects for the development of this area of analytical research are evaluated. The conclusion is made about the need to develop new standard biological materials containing toxic metals, as well as the need for their production.
standard materials; toxic metals; reference materials; the attestative analysis; practice and prospects of application.