Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 8-16
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Gonchar N.V.1,2, Ermolenko K.D.1, Klimova O.I.1, Martens E.A.1, Lobzin Yu.V.1,2, Mardanly S.G.3,4
1Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, St. Petersburg, 197022, Russian Federation; 2I.I. Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, St. Petersburg, 191015, Russian Federation; 3CJSC “EKOlab”, Elektrogorsk, 142530, Moscow region, Russian Federation; 4State Humanitarian University of Technology, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, 142611, Moscow region, Russian Federation
The article reflects the relevance of the study of escherichiosis; provides information on the incidence of escherichiosis in children. There are described pathogenic properties of different groups of diarrheal Escherichia, associated features of the clinical course, and complications of escherichiosis in children. The mechanisms of action of enterohemorrhagic and non-enterohemorrhagic serogroups of Escherichia coli producing shiga-toxins are considered. The questions of etiological diagnosis of escherichiosis with bacteriological, immunological, and molecular methods are covered. Modern data on the resistance of diarrheal Escherichia coli to antibacterial drugs and bacteriophages are presented. The questions of indications and contraindications to the appointment of antibiotics and alternative methods of etiotropic therapy of escherichiosis in children are discussed.
intestinal infections; Escherichia; children; incidence; etiological diagnosis; antibiotic resistance; etiotropic therapy.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 17-23
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Korovkina E.P., Biryukov A.P.
State Research Center– Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation
The article presents an analysis of the dynamics of the incidence of malignant neoplasms (MN) among employees of enterprises, organizations, and the assigned contingent serviced by healthcare institutions of the FMBA of Russia during 2012–2016. The main sources of information about NM patients are the data of medical institutions of the territorial level subordinate to the FMBA of Russia, obtained from Federal Center for Information Technology of Extreme Problems of the Federal Biomedical Agency (forms No. 7 and No. 35) and the data of Moscow P.A. Herzen – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific Research Center for Radiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia on MN in Russia. The technology of data collection is based on the provisions of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 135 dated 04.19.1999 “On improving the system of the State Cancer Register”. In the process of the study, an analysis of the dynamics of the incidence rates of MN of the contingent of medical facilities of the FMBA of Russia in comparison with similar indices in Russia (2012–2016) was carried out according to the following criteria: 1) First diagnosed with malignant neoplasia, abs.; 2) Morbidity (per 100,000); 3) Mortality (per 100,000); 4) Year-old mortality, %; 5) 5-year survival, %. Also, the dynamics indices of MN among this contingent of health care facilities of FMBA by age groups were studied. As a result of the study, an increase in the MN number with a newly established diagnosis was noted both according to the FMU FMBA and in Russia as a whole over 2012-2016. The MN incidence (per 100,000) of the contingent attached to the healthcare institutions (HI) of FMBA for (2012–2016 gg) increased from 328.4 to 359.6. The average annual growth rate accounted for 2.29%. Over this period, the incidence rate in Russia increased from 367.3 to 408.6 (an increase of 2.7%), which was largely determined by the unfavorable direction of demographic processes in the Russian population, which caused the aging of the population. It should be noted that the incidence of MN diseases (per 100,000) among patients with FMBA for the period 2012–2016 was significantly lower (304.0–359.6) than in Russia (333.7–408.6). The MN mortality rate (per 100,000) for a given period in the medical facilities of the FMBA of Russia was significantly lower (149.1–168.3) than in Russia (201.0–201.6). The annual mortality rate (%) throughout the entire period of the study remains significantly lower in patients with medical facilities of FMBA of Russia compared with that in Russia. In 2016, it amounted to 17.7% at the HI of the FMBA of Russia, and 23.3% in Russia. Five-year survival (a criterion for assessing the quality of preventive and therapeutic care provided) increased during this period (2012–2016) both in the FMBA of Russia (49.9–54.3%) and in Russia (51.0–53.3%). The analysis of the MN number and their structure by age groups showed the main risk group to be 55–70 years old and older.
employees of enterprises and organizations; medical facilities of FMBA of Russia; malignant neoplasms; age groups.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 24-29
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Krivopalov A.A.1, Sergeev F.Yu.2, Krasikova A.I.1
1St.Petersburg Research Institute of ENT, St. Petersburg, 190013, Russian Federation; 2North-Yenisei Central District Hospital, Krasnoyarsk, 663280, Russian Federation
The provision of emergency otolaryngological care in territories with difficult climatic and geographical conditions is a difficult task not only for ENT doctors working in the field, but also for leading specialists of the centers of otorhinolaryngology. The presented two clinical cases of treatment of patients living in the remote northern territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory demonstrate the dependence of the prognosis and outcome of the disease on early diagnosis and further management tactics at the initial patient admission. Effective emergency care for patients with intracranial complications of inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs at the present stage is possible only in the conditions of the existence of a medical care system for this category of ENT patients.
Inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, otorhinolaryngology Center, ENT medical aid, intracranial complications, Spiral computed tomography.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 30-38
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Olesov E.E.1,2, Kaganova O.S.1,2, Mirgazizov M.Z.2, Olesova V.N.1,2, Fazylova T.A.1
1Clinical Centre of dentistry of the FMBA, Moscow, 123098, Russian Federation; 2Academy of postgraduate education of the FMBA, Moscow, 125371, Russian Federation
Material and methods. The dental status was studied in children aged 7–9 years residing in Moscow in comparison with adolescents aged 15–17 years after completion of occlusion. The adolescents were divided into two groups: those who received orthodontic treatment during the shift bite and did not receive such treatment. The Map was used to assess the dental status of children (WHO, 2013), supplemented by the section “Dental and maxillary anomalies”. Indices of KPU, KPU + kp, OHI-S, CPI, PAR, irregularity index Little, DAI were determined. The need for types of dental and orthodontic treatment was calculated, including for one examined in the compared groups. Results and discussion. Dental morbidity in children during the period of a shifting bite in Moscow is characterized by a high prevalence of caries (92.0%) with an intensity of 1.67 ± 0.03, the prevalence of premature tooth loss in 17.0% and dentofacial anomalies in 73.9% of children with a combination of anomalies in 60.8% of children. Orthodontic treatment during a shift bite against the background of systematic professional control when evaluating its effectiveness in children aged of 15 years reduces the intensity of caries, periodontal diseases, detectable poor hygiene and the prevalence of tooth position anomalies (crowding and tooth displacement), and the ratio of dental arches (completely eliminating) cross bite), promotes dental and oral care skills. At the same time, early orthodontic treatment does not have a significant effect on the prevalence of tooth rotation, interdental spaces, deep, open, distal, mesial occlusions, and displacement of dental arches. This reduces the severity of dentoalveolar anomalies. Conclusion. In connection with this, the orthodontic treatment of children during a shifting bite is indicated in the presence of crowding and tooth displacement, as well as cross bite; relative to other types of dentoalveolar anomalies, early orthodontic treatment is justified when the dentoalveolar anomalies affect psychological and functional indices.
dentoalveolar anomalies; treatment; replacement bite; efficiency.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 39-45
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Puzyreva O.V., Magasumov R.R.
Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology No. 133 of the Federal Biological medical Agency, Perm, 614113, Russian Federation
This paper analyzes the quality of water used at the enterprises served by the FMBA of Russia in Perm: PJSC Proton-PM (Novo-Lyadovskaya site), Perm Plant Mashinostroitel JSC and FKP Perm Powder Plant. A comparative assessment of the quality of drinking water at different stages of water treatment is given, there are identified priority indices of water pollution, the main factors determining the disadvantage of drinking water supply systems, a comprehensive hygienic assessment of the conditions of water use for each enterprise is given.
centralized drinking water supply system; water intake; water quality; integrated assessment
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages:46-52
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Semenova O.N., Voronin N.F., Ivanov S.E., Chistyakov S.V.
State Research Center – Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation
The process of eliminating combat launching positions intended for the operation of mine-based intercontinental ballistic missiles is a potentially hazardous activity. At the former sites of in-silo launchers, potential pollutants include highly toxic and extremely hazardous components of liquid propellant rocket fuel (LPRC) and products of their transformation, heavy metals, and arsenic, petroleum products, and 3,4-benz(a)pyrene. To assure the safety of the personnel and population of the adjacent areas and for environmental protection, for the first time, a Methodological Manual was developed, which includes a set of measures for environmental and health physics support of work at various stages of the elimination of combat starting positions (CSP). The Methodological Manual includes approaches and the procedure of environmental and health physics monitoring. This monitoring is carried out to assess the degree of the potential hazard of the sites of in-silo launchers after their partial or full elimination and remediation of affected lands. Moreover, the Manual describes necessary measures to assure the safety of the personnel involved in environmental and health physics studies. The Manual contains, in the form of appendices, information on the toxicometric characteristics of LPRC and their degradation products under inhalation exposure to the body, hygienic regulations of the chemicals identified in soil and water, a list of methods for measuring mass concentrations of LPRC and their degradation products, heavy metals, petroleum products in various media, a diagram of soil sampling, terms and definitions.
elimination of in-silo launchers; environmental and health physics safety; propellant rocket fuel components; methodological manual; environmental and health physics monitoring.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages:53-58
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Zakharov S.Yu., Rudenko E.A., Novikova O.N., Baranov M.V.
Research Institute of Space Medicine of the “Federal Scientific and Clinical Center” FMBA, Moscow, 115682, Russian Federation
There was performed an analysis of the structure of cardiovascular pathology in the framework of the program “Longevity” in pilot-cosmonauts who have completed their flight activities. The structure of morbidity by age groups is considered.
astronauts; cardiovascular diseases; atherosclerosis; age groups.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages:59-73
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: strong> Kalinin A.V.1, Melnichuk N.V.1,2, Kalashnikova O.M.2, Kravtsov A.G.3, Melnichuk A.V.3, Danilova-Perley V.I.4, Melnichuk V.I.1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport, and Health, St. Petersburg, 190121, Russian Federation; 2Sectoral Clinical and Diagnostic Center PJSC «Gazprom», Moscow, 117420, Russian Federation; 3The L.G. Sokolov Memorial Hospital No. 122 of the FMBA, St. Petersburg, 194291, Russian Federation; 4Municipal Medical Exercises Dispensary, St. Petersburg, 191028, Russian Federation
Introduction. Highest sporting achievements hold athletes to prohibitively high physical and psychoemotional exertion, which often leads to sports injuries. Aim of the study. The assessment of the possibility of applying the kit of abdominal compression KAD-01-AKC «Nadezhda» in the rehabilitation of sports veterans after total knee arthroplasty. Material and methods. 63 patients were monitored. A dynamic assessment of the volume of movement of the legs was performed at 2, 6, and 11 days, then after 1, 2, and 6 months after the operation. The WOMAC index, that determines the functional ability of the joint, as well as the VDS (verbal descriptive pain assessment method) and SF 36 (Health Status Survey/Level of quality of life) scales were used in the analysis of the patients’ condition. Ultrasound of vessels of low extremities was used as one of the instrumental diagnostic methods. Results. A clinically sound technique for abdominal decompression was developed. According to our data, the expressed improvement in the dynamics of flexion of the knee joint is achieved by 11 days after applying for a prolonged course in the early postoperative period. The increase in the range of limb movements exceeded the results of the control group and obtained after a short course of abdominal decompression by 43.5 and 13°, respectively. After 6 months the difference was 35 and 16.5°. Pain syndrome on the 11th day according to the VDS scale after a short and prolonged course of abdominal decompression decreased by 70 and 80%, respectively, while in the control group the index changed only by 59-60%. On the 6th day results after decompression were 49‑50 and 38-40%, respectively. Conclusion. The introduction of a prolonged course technique after surgery allowed for 1 month getting according to the SF-36 scale (Health Status Survey) 80.9% of good and excellent results versus 62.1% after applying the short course and 55.9% in the control group, rehabilitation of which was carried out without abdominal decompression.
total replacement; knee joint; sports veterans; applying the kit of abdominal decompression KAD-01-AKC «Nadezhda»; level of motion; quality of life.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages:74-82
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Lipatov V.A., Lazarenko S.V., Severinov D.A.
Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, 305041, Russian Federation
The aim of the study is to evaluate the physical properties (total porosity, sorption capacity, acidity (pH) of the aqueous extract) of sponge application hemostatic materials. Material and methods. As materials of the study the following samples of hemostatic materials were used: Tachocomb (No. 1), Gelita-Spon Standard (No. 2), Reggicel Fibrillar (No. 3), samples of hemostatic sponges developed jointly with Lintex LLC (St. Petersburg, Russia) based on sodium-Carboxymethyl Cellulose (No. 3): To determine the sorption capacity of the jaws, a rigid metal wire (30 mm high) was placed on the bottom of the tubes, and filter paper was placed on top. The 1 cc samples were kept in a preheated incubator for 5 minutes, then placed in prepared tubes and centrifuged. After centrifugation, the sample from the filter paper and its weight were measured. When examining the total porosity of the sponges, the same sequence of actions was followed, but the sponges were immersed in orthoxylol. The hydrogen index (pH) of the solutions was measured according to the modified procedure described in GOST 12523-77 (using a water quality submersible meter). Results. The total porosity values of the samples of groups No. 1 and No. 2 differ statistically significantly from those of group No. 3 by 48.28 and 41, respectively. Also, the total porosity values of the samples of the group No. 3 exceed the values of the samples of group No. 4 by 40.57. In turn, the values of the analyzed property of group No. 6 are 24.55 less than in group No. 2 and 2.4 times less than in group No. 3. The pH values of the samples of group No. 1 differ statistically significantly from those of groups No. 2 (1.09 less) and No. 3 (1.18 less). The difference between groups No. 1 and No. 4 is less pronounced (0.5 less). The sorption capacity of the unit volume of the sponge of group No. 3 is 6 times lower than that of the group No. 2. The values of sorption capacity of the unit of mass of the sponge of the samples of group No. 1 are statistically significant (Table 6) differ from the values of groups No. 2 (101.15 less) and No. 3 (63.09 more), group No. 6 (12.3 times more). Conclusion. The highest values of total porosity are observed in group No. 3 (samples based on oxidized and reduced cellulose fibres) - 112.04, which causes the high adhesive capacity of this material. Group 2 samples (medical gelatin) have the highest pH (5.58), which is close to the original solution pH and shows little effect on the latter. When examining the sorption capacity of a unit of volume and weight of a sponge, the highest value among experimental groups is noted in group No. 2 (medical gelatin).
hemostatic implants; tranexamic acid; hemostasis; hemostatic agents; bleeding; experimental surgery.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages:83-90
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Nopin S.V., Koryagina Yu.V., Ter-Akopov G.N.
North-Caucasian Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Essentuki, 357601, Russian Federation
The aim of the study. To develop a protocol for diagnosing and testing the functional state of the musculoskeletal system of weightlifters. Material and methods. The study involved elite athletes weightlifters, aged from 18 to 25 years. Protocol development and testing were carried out on the BTS Motion System (BTS Bioengineering, Italy). Protocols were created for the exercises «Snatch» and «Clean&Jerk», these protocols were used to determine the functional state of the musculoskeletal system of weightlifters by biomechanical and electromyographic characteristics. Results. The developed protocols allowed studying the functional state of the ODE weightlifters as speed-strength, and spatial and EMG data. The study revealed the following differences in the characteristics of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system of male weightlifters when performing a push compared to women. Smaller values of deviation of a sports projectile from a starting position in women are related with their smaller length sizes of a body and extremities. Greater rates of projectile velocity in men are caused by better speed and speed-power abilities. In women, asymmetry of the distribution of pressure on the support in the second phase of the jerk, with a greater emphasis on the right leg, was revealed. The greatest electrical activity when performing weightlifting exercises from the muscles of the right leg is experienced by the rectus and biceps muscles of the thigh, slightly less electrical activity in the long fibula. There is practically no tension in the calf muscle. For the manifestation of the speed-power characteristics of the subsequent movement, the reduced initial electrical activity of the muscles, i.e. their relaxation and the greatest activity in the eponymous phase of the movement, is most favorable. Conclusion. А study of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system in highly qualified weightlifters was conducted. Biomechanical parameters and electrical activity of muscles in different phases of weightlifting movements were determined. With the help of the developed protocols of weightlifting exercises jerk and push and testing of athletes on the SMART BTS system, it is possible to compare the characteristics of the functional state of the musculoskeletal system with the data of the world’s leading weightlifters.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages:91-96
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Rakhmanov R.S., Bogomolova E.S.
Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russian Federation
The aim of the study. To evaluate serum immunoglobulins in athletes involved in rowing, and hockey players with a puck under various physical activities. Results. In rowers (19.4 ± 0.8 years), students in the sports school of the Olympic reserve for rowing, IgA, IgM, IgG were normal. Severe loads increased IgA by 1.5-1.3 times relative to the initial state or moderate loads (p = 0.001). However, the medians and Q25-Q75 intervals were in the lower normal range; at the observation stages, 16.3%, 20.0% and 34.9% of IgA are below normal. A tendency towards an increase in IgM was noted. Durong the entire observation period, IgG in half of the athletes was above normal. In hockey players (26.4 ± 0.8 years) playing in the Continental League, IgA and IgG were normal. An upward trend in IgA was noted. After 6 months, IgG was by 10.3% higher than the original (p = 0.007). After 2.5 months, the IgA median was in the upper normal zone, the Q25-Q75 borders were in the middle, after 4 Me, Q25-Q75 became lower, indicating a decrease in IgA production. After 6 months, IgA corresponded to the initial one (p = 0.382), but Q25 is lower, Q75 is higher; the scope of Q25-Q75 is wider, indicating multidirectional changes. At the beginning of the season, 32.0% of IgG hockey players exceeded the norm. After 4 months, Me was in the upper normal zone, Q75 was higher; an increase in IgG in 33.3%. After 6 months Me is above average, Q25-Q75 is in the upper normal zone, which is characterized by an increase in IgG synthesis in the whole group. Conclusion. Exercises affect the humoral immunity of athletes, leading to desynchrosis, have an effect on the secondary immune response. A decrease in IgA in rowers is probably due to low stamina. The significance of the assessment of immune defense indices in monitoring the functional state of athletes is confirmed; its correction is necessary.
athletes; rowing; ball hockey; physical activity; serum immunoglobulins.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 97-107
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Tochilkina L.P.1, Khodykina N.V.1, Novikova О.N.1, Bocharova L.Yu.1, Vlasova Т.М.1, Markova Е.Yu.1, Velikorodnaya Yu.I.1, Baranchikov А.Е.2, Teplonogova М.А.2
1Research Institute for Hygiene, Toxicology and Occupational Pathology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Volgograd, 400048, Russian Federation 2Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGIC RAS), Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
Aim of the study. Evaluation of the hepatoprotective potential of cerium nanodioxide (CND). Material and methods. The study object was the finely dispersed 0.047M (8.08 mg/ml) CND hydrosol containing spherical particles with an average diameter of 2.7 nm. The acute toxic hepatitis model was implemented by the single intragastric administration of 50% oil solution of tetrachloromethane to laboratory rats at a dose of 4.5 ml/kg. The hepatoprotective effect of CND was evaluated when administered in doses of 2.0; 0.2 and 0.02 mg/kg (i.g.) in comparison with the reference preparation Karlsil (100 mg/kg in terms of the active substance silymarin). To characterize the liver state, biochemical, coagulometric, and histomorphological research methods were used. Results and discussion. In the course of research, it was found the poisoning with tetrachloromethane to lead to the death in some rats. A week later, the surviving animals retain the complex of pathological biochemical changes and histomorphological disorders that provide the sufficient (7 days) “therapeutic window” for their correction. We studied the effect of a course (within 7 days) CND therapy on metabolism, the state of antiperoxidation protection, and the liver histostructure of rats after acute poisoning with tetrachloromethane. The use of NDC in doses of 0.2 mg/kg and 0.02 mg/kg It was found to be accompanied by a clear hepatoprotective effect, manifested by an accelerated restoration of liver histoarchitectonics, stabilization of body weight, relief of most metabolic disorders and normalization of lipid peroxidation. According to comprehensive assessment results of registered positive shifts, the use of CND at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg was recognized as optimal, which made it possible to mitigate the effects of acute TCM poisoning as much as possible. The increase in the CND dose to 2.0 mg/kg leads to the almost complete loss of the metabolic protective effect, the weakening of the antioxidant effect, and the positive effect on the morphological picture of the target organ. According to the corrective effect on the metabolism, CND (0.2 mg/kg) is slightly inferior to Karsil, but surpasses it in its ability to accelerate liver regeneration. Conclusion. On the tetrachloromethane model of acute hepatotoxicity the possibility of using cerium nanodioxide in low doses as a hepatoprotective agent was confirmed. The obtained results may contribute to further developments in the field of experimental therapy of liver diseases using “nanoantioxidants”.
carbon tetrachloride; rats; acute toxic hepatitis; oxidative stress; antioxidants; nanoparticles; cerium dioxide; karsil.
Year: 2020 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 97-107
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Shpakov A.V., Artamonov A.A., Orlov D.O.
Research Center for Space Medicine Russian State Research Center − Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation
locomotion, locomotion strategy, musculoskeletal system, weight load, video analysis of movements, angles in joints, phase trajectory, energy cost.