Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 5-11
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: A.K. Guskova.
Organization: Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan of FMBA of Russia, Moscow.
In this article the main clinical effects determined by radiation during disease formation are characterized, criteria of diagnostics at contact with various sources of radiation are given, the main forms of reaction to radiation at various distribution of a dose (evenly or sharply unevenly) are demonstrated, influence of distribution of a total dose in time of its formation is estimated (various terms of work at the enterprise, recession of activity as a result of technogenic emergency pollution).
As a result of connection with the short term formation of the main part of a total dose of radiation, the initial stage allowed to manage by monofactorial analysis of connection changes in a state of health only with radiation.
Essential extension of the period of contact with sources of radiation and general decrease in level of doses considerably complicated establishment of connection changes of health condition in late terms of supervision with all set of actions of risk factors. The polyfactorial analysis of relationships of cause and effect and difficulty of establishment in this set of a radiation factor become a basis. On the example of the characteristic of the questions arising before advisory council some preliminary criteria specifying existence or lack of connections are analyzed. As the remote consequences the most really is to consider change in a condition of the organisms and systems which are the most radio sensitive. These are blood formation, spermatogenesis, and condition of the epithelial cover of skin and mucous. The abnormalities in cardiovascular and nervous systems are also may take place, which are secondary due to complications developing in the period of formation of radiation sickness. On the basis of the analytic survey the improvement of documentation, quality and the accuracy of expert decisions are planned.
Distribution of a dose in time and space, determined effects, the main difficulties and mistakes, association with radiation in the past, a certain period of supervision.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 12-18
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: N.A. Shnaider, E.A. Kantimirova, L.V. Kantimirova, O.P. Trikman.
Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Clinical Hospital №51 of FMBA of Russia, Closed Administrative Territorial Formation, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Region; State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Department of Medical Genetics and Clinical Neurophysiology, Institute of Postgraduate Education.
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is the earliest and most frequent neurologic complication of diabetes. We examined 202 patients with diabetes monitored by endocrinologist of adult policlinic in Federal State Healthcare Institution Clinical Hospital №51 of FMBA of Russia. As a result of conducted out-patient screening diabetic peripheral neuropathy was revealed in 63.9% of examined patients. The frequency of occurrence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy depended on type of diabetes and was more often diagnosed in patients with type 2 diabetes (92.2%). In the studied sampling sensory and vegetative neuropathy was dominated. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy for the first time was diagnosed in 23.3% of cases and in15% of patients it was diagnosed at late stages.
Prevalence, diabetic polyneuropathy.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 19-27
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: L.N. Garipova, K.G. Pisarenko.
Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Central Medical Sanitary Unit №21 of FMBA of Russia, Moscow.
To date one of the main objectives of FMBA of Russia on the near-term outlook is improvement of demographic situation in certain territories (including the Moscow region) and mortality decrease among the attached contingent.
In this work results of research of health of the main contingents attached to Central Medical Sanitary Unit №21 of the population are considered in order to define a potential reserve of the population and to predict quantity of manpower in each year and the future need for experts and medical care.
The data obtained during research can become a good evidential basis for further development and introduction of the program to decrease the incidence among children and teenagers.
Medical and demographic situation, incidence, mortality, problem of labor potential.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 28-31
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: A.G. Kuzmichev, V.N. Trubilin, Yu.A. Gusev.
Organization: Clinical Hospital №86 of FMBA of Russia, Moscow; Ophthalmology Center of FMBA of Russia, Moscow.
The objective is to demonstrate experience in application of a telemedicine in scientific, practical and pedagogic activity of ophthalmology center of FMBA of Russia.
Examples of use of telecommunication means are presented when carrying out broadcasts of “live surgery” from the operating room of the Central department of eye microsurgery of Clinical Hospital №86 of FMBA of Russia.
Owing to the active help of the management of FMBA of Russia, administration of the Clinical Center of Ophthalmology Hospital №86 is equipped by the most modern equipment and recruited with qualified personnel. The staff of the Center has opportunity to be trained in the leading domestic and foreign clinics, to be engaged in scientific and pedagogic activity. The Ophthalmology center of FMBA of Russia together with department of ophthalmology of Federal State Educational Institution Institute of Postgraduate Education of FMBA of Russia plan to continue the work on introduction of a telemedicine in practice of ophthalmologists in Federal Medical Biological Agency.
Telemedicine, ophthalmology, ophthalmosurgery, cataract, glaucoma, refraction surgery, vitreoretinal surgery.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 32-43
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: O.V. Baranova.
Organization: Scientific Health Center for Veterans of Divisions of an extra risk Medical Sanitary Unit №114 of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg.
The objective is to study the features of ideas of accident on Chernobyl nuclear power station in persons, suffered during elimination of accident consequences. Ideas of accident were considered as a key element of consciousness of the personality, in particular the adaptative. 30 people who eliminated the consequences of Chernobyl accident of veterans of divisions of an extra risk of the Russian Federation were enrolled. The value judgment of mental health in persons who endured Chernobyl accident is defined; personal properties of victims are revealed; interrelations between personal properties and value judgment of mental health are established. It is possible to assume that adaptation level to requirements of life is reached by overstrain of emotional and somatic spheres. The feature of indicators of a self-assessment and personal properties may say about internal intensity and uneasiness of liquidators. Thus, the content of adaptation consciousness of the personality is defined by the need of self-preservation. Adaptation at the social, psychological and psychophysiological levels is defined by personal properties. As feature of adaptation consciousness of liquidators it is possible to consider a change of mental shape of the personality as a result of environmental changes.
Radiation accident on Chernobyl nuclear power station, divisions of an extra risk, liquidators, adaptation consciousness.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 44-50
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: G.Ya. Melnikov, I.P. Artyukhov.
Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Clinical Hospital №51 of FMBA of Russia, Zheleznogorsk of Krasnoyarsk region; State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk.
The objective is to establish risk factors influencing on a medical and social state of the families of workers with especially harmful and dangerous production factors.
Materials and methods
662 families in closed administrative territorial formation in Zheleznogorsk of Krasnoyarsk Region were investigated by casual selection method; 2 groups were organized: the 1st group (the main one) consisted from 362 families of employees worked on production with especially harmful and dangerous production factors; the 2nd group (control group) consisted from 300 families of the workers who were not associated with especially harmful and dangerous production factors. For carrying out research the questionnaire including the questions characterizing medical, demographic, social and hygienic aspects of a family was developed. The object of supervision was population of families; the unit was a family.
Among the family risk factors having impact on health and professional activity the main and control groups have reliable distinctions only on such factors, as food, duty position and baby. On other factors, despite a difference in indicators, reliable differences weren’t revealed.
It is established that degree of a medical and social condition of families of the main and control groups of workers depends on their material security. The most favorable medical and social state is noted in families of the workers occupied in harmful and dangerous working conditions.
Health, material security, children, incidence, social state.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 51-59
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: A.V. Zuev, E.A. Khokhlova.
Organization: Regional Department №107 of FMBA of Russia, Krasnokamensk, Zabaykalsky Region.
For the purpose of optimization of the held events for improvement of working conditions and health protection of miners of uranium mines the analysis of professional incidence is carried out in JSC PIMCU in 40 years of its existence.
Materials and methods
Documents on 505 patients, sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions, acts of a case of occupational disease, the comparative assessment of results of laboratory and instrumental tests on workplaces during the different working time periods were investigated.
According to research classes of working conditions were defined for different professions of underground group of miners. The most dangerous working conditions of 3,3-3,4 classes are registered at miners of bottom-hole group (drifters, miners of clearing bottom-holes, blasters, drillers), they also define more than 66% of all professional pathology. Changing in structure of professional incidences was defined in time (for 40 years), depending on the events for improvement of working conditions held on mines. For example, dust pathology of lungs in miners in the last 10 years is registered in isolated cases whereas till 2008 took 2nd place in structure of professional incidence, at the expense of saved up in 80-90 years. Critical experiences for each type of pathology are defined. On the basis of modern ideas of radiation risks the detailed analysis of incidence of professional lung cancer is carried out and attempt of forecasting of identification of professional oncology among miners in the short term is made.
Chronic professional incidence reflects experience risks of irreversible violation of health of workers at long impact on them of working harmful factors, thereby plans the directions of carrying out preventive actions.
Under the remaining working conditions now the number of occupational diseases in JSC PIMCU will grow with a high probability. Along with it the growth of the professional caused diseases isn't excluded. Development and deployment of target comprehensive programs on improvement of the working conditions and preservation of health of workers soon has to become the priority directions.
Production of uranium ore, harmful factors of production, underground working conditions, class of working conditions.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 60-68
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: L.A. Kulikova, G.S. Muzhzhukhina, S.I. Kamyshanskiy.
Organization: Regional Department №59 of FMBA of Russia, Zarechny, Penza region; Federal State Unitary Enterprise Federal Research and Production Center “Production Unit “Start” named after M.V. Protsenko” Zarechny, Penza region.
The objective is to investigate the radiation and hygienic situation and to estimate the influence of radioactive discharge on the personnel and population during decommissioning of radiation and dangerous object.
Material and methods were the following:
• the territory of the industrial area and residential area of Zarechny city, Penza region; buildings, apartments, workplaces in the production, administrative and public buildings; staff; air, soil, water sources water supply, ground water.
• gamma radiation dose power; density of an alpha stream, beta particles; the content of radionuclides in soil; volume activity of radionuclide in the air; the content of radon, thoron and products of their disintegration in air; total activity and radionuclide structure; specific radioactivity and radionuclide structure; the content of radionuclides in water.
Decommissioning, nuclear, radiation and dangerous object, the weapon dividing materials, radioactive pollution, natural radiation background, admissible volume and specific activity, deactivation and rehabilitation, preservation, radioactive waste.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 69-77
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: A.N. Kolesov, A.I. Rassolov, E.Yu. Dobrovolets.
Organization: Regional Department №125 of FMBA of Russia, Kurchatov, Kursk region.
The objective is to show an epidemic situation on infectious incidence in the territory of Kurchatov city during 2007-2009.
Materials and methods
Within sanitary and hygienic monitoring the analysis of infectious incidence is carried out on the territory of Kurchatov city. On the basis of received results the actions directed on reduction of cases of infectious diseases, namely sanitary and educational work among the population were held. The method of calculation of epidemic thresholds was involved in the retrospective analysis of an epidemic situation on acute respiratory viral infection and flu.
The general situation on infectious incidence among the population of the city Kurchatov for the 3-year period is estimated as stable and safe. From 2007 for 2009 among the population of Kurchatov city 49 264 cases of infectious diseases are registered. From total number of the diseased for the reporting period 36 744 cases are registered in children till 14 years that makes 74.6% of the general incidence. Flu and an acute respiratory viral infection for the 3-year period make 45 151 cases (91.6%) of all incidence, 4 113 cases (8.35%) are the share of all other forms of infectious diseases. In comparison with previous years there is an incidence growth in 2009 on average by 22%, generally due to rise in incidence of flu, acute respiratory viral infection, salmonellosis and acute intestinal infections.
Obtained results and researches show that a situation on infectious incidence among the population of Kurchatov city is stable. The tendency to decrease in the infectious diseases is observed; this is due to measures of specific prevention. Flare incidence on the territory of Kurchatov city during 2007-2009 wasn't registered.
Incidence of infections, epidemiological situation, structure of infectious incidence, immune prevention, monitoring of infectious incidence.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 78-83
Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: T.V. Voloboyeva, T.N. Smagina.
Organization: Federal State Institution Main Office of Medical and Social Examination of FMBA of Russia, Orenburg region, Orenburg.
The objective is to determine causality condition of labor protection of citizens and accidents in production of Orenburg region in market economy conditions.
Materials and methods
The analysis is carried out with the use of the published materials of deputy hearings of Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region “About health protection of the working citizens in Orenburg region” from 28.01.2010, an annual form of federal state statistical supervision №7 social security for 2004-2009.
Indicators of 2004-2009 of incidence and demography of the working population of the Orenburg region are with a negative tendency: level of temporary disability in the paid days by 100 workers increased from 480.2 to 692.8, population of working-age decreased by 25,8 thousand, 1.9% and for 01.01.10 was1 320.3 thousand people, 62.7% of area population.
In 2004-2009 the number of the registered cases of operational injuries decreased twice: in 2004 – 1 617, in 2009 – 803. In 38.2% of cases production injuries arose owing to falling from height, in 27.1% due to influence of moving subjects. For 2004-2009 46 (12.2%) cases of a lethal outcome on production were a consequence of acute complications of chronic diseases. In 2009 only 15.4% of the workers occupied at the enterprises with dangerous production factors were almost healthy. 0,9% needed treatment at in-patient department; high-tech types of help required for 0.2%.
After in time rendered rehabilitation measures 62% of victims came back to work. In 2009 in 80% measures were rendered too late because of the employer. In 2004-2009 from 1 425 registered production injuries of heavy degree 864 (60.6%) ended with primary disability. In 72.1% of cases the cause of disability were consequences of musculoskeletal system injuries; in 24.4% of cases head injuries were the reason of disability. Regional indicators were stably above, than in Russian Federation. The level of temporary disability in the paid days on 100 workers in 2008 is higher, 17.5-2.6%. The level of primary disability due to labor mutilation in 2008 was on 0.4-44.4% higher; in 2009 it was higher on 0.1-16.7%.
The condition of labor protection of the working citizens and industrial injuries are in direct dependence on interest of employers and public organizations in systemic approach of observance of the rights of workers on labor protection, in development of preservation and improvement of health of the working citizens.
The working population, market economy, labor protection, incidence, industrial injuries, primary disability.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 84-91
Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: N.V. Alishev, B.A. Drabkin, V.M. Shubik, N.A. Nikolayeva, E.I. Puchkova.
Organization: Scientific Health Center of Veterans of Divisions of an extra risk Medical and Sanitary Unit Federal State Healthcare Institution №144 of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg.
The objective is to characterize the influence of nuclear tests on New Earth on health of participants.
Materials and methods
Frequency of various diseases and their features were studied (according to clinical records) in veterans of the divisions of an extra risk which are on inspection and treatment in scientific health center. Data of clinical examination are compared with results of immunological examination of veterans, indicators of the congenital and acquired cellular and humoral immunity.
It is shown the increase of frequency of a number of diseases in veterans, especially of cardiovascular and nervous systems, and also their severe clinical course in comparison with control group. Abnormalities of T - and B-systems of immunity, humoral and cellular autoimmune shifts are revealed.
Changes of immunity and health in veterans of divisions of an extra risk have long character, being found in some decades after nuclear tests. A chronic traumatic stress, causing immunological changes, causes health abnormalities in veterans.
Divisions of an extra risk, nuclear tests, stress, immunity, autoimmune changes.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 92-99
Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: G.A. Livanov, G.V. Shestova, B.V. Batotsyrenov, A.N. Lodyagin, T.M. Ivanova, K.V. Sizova.
Organization: Federal State Science Institution Institute of Toxicology of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg.
The article deals with the formation of pathogenesis of acute lung injury (ALI) in severe poisoning by substances of neurotropic activity. The risk of ALI is determined by the severity of intoxication, duration and depth of hypoxia. In the development of acute lung injury the most important is fluid accumulation in the lung tissue, which depends on the nature of disorders of regulation of general and thoracic blood flow (reduction of flow rate emission, disorders of microcirculation). The increase in volume of thoracic fluid while reducing the volumetric ejection rate and the decline of oxygenation indicator are the evidence of ALI formation. The degree of fluid overload in lungs determines the development of the critical condition of the patient in severe poisoning by substances of neurotropic activity and is the main criterion for early diagnosis of acute lung injury that is the first stage of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Supervision of blood flow parameters and thoracic fluid accumulation allows to determine the main directions in prevention and treatment of ALI.
Acute severe poisoning, substances of neurotropic activity, hypoxia, pulmonary hyperhydratation, acute lung injury.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 100-104
Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: A.I. Shanskaya, S. M. Puchkova, T.E. Yakovleva.
Organization: Federal State Institution Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg.
Liposomes are one of the types of nanoparticles used in biology and medicine; these are nanospheres of water substance enclosed in a lipid membrane. Liposomes have a different pattern of distribution in the body, rather than the active pharmaceutical ingredient. Selection of liposome components and their quantitative ratio allows to concentrate the drug in the affected area. The main component of the bilayer is lecithin containing fraction of soybean phospholipids. Alpha-tocopherol, introduced in the lipid bilayer of liposomes, acts as an antioxidant and stabilizer of lipid bilayer. It was shown experimentally that Lipoferol protects liver in acute intoxication by carbon tetrachloride and effective in infusion therapy during burn shock.
Liposomes, phospholipids, soybean lecithin, alpha tocopherol, antioxidant, lipid peroxidation.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 105-110
Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: N.I. Kochetygov, M.I. Remizova, K.A. Gerbut, G.V. Grishina.
Organization: Federal State Institution Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg.
On the model of hemorrhagic shock in mice it was investigated the influence of nitrogen oxide, L-arginine and non-selective inhibitor donors of nitrogen oxide synthesis N-nitro- L-arginine, on blood pressure, microcirculation, gas content and acid-base state in blood during its injection without infusion therapy before blood loss. Exsanguination was stopped when evident microcirculation disorder occurred. Inhibition of nitrogen oxide synthesis after blood loss brings on expressed blood centralization with microcirculation disorder that accompanied by changes in metabolism aggravating hemorrhagic shock. Apparently, during nitrogen oxide donor’s injection the degree of blood centralization development has changed; vasodilatation tonus of blood vessels was supported and vitals were perfused. Resistance of animals to blood loss and greater life expectancy were demonstrated. Possible strengthening of nitrogen oxide generation after its donor infusion contributes to longer preservation of micro blood flow limits perfusion disorders and shows that basis level of NO is needed on early stages of hemorrhagic shock. Obtained data testify that non-selective nitrogen oxide inhibitor N-nitro- L-arginine infused before blood loss causes excessive blood centralization; early death of animals occur; L-arginine, the NO donor, improves resistance of animals to hemorrhagic shock and leads to higher survival rate.
Hemorrhagic shock, blood circulation, nitrogen oxide, non-selective inhibitors donors of nitrogen oxide synthesis.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 111-118
Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: L.V. Kolombet, N.R. Dyadishchev, O.N. Dobrokhotskiy, G.A. Zinovyev.
Organization: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Research Сenter of Toxicology and Hygienic Regulation of Biological Products of FMBA of Russia, Serpukhov; Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical Sanitary Unit №164 of FMBA of Russia, Obolensk.
In this article problems of ensuring biosafety during the work with pathogenic biological agents are considered. Experience of testing in two organizations of FMBA of Russia of the document CWA 15793:2008 of the European committee on standardization (CEN) “The standard on management of laboratory biorisks” is presented.
Expediency of use of the concept of an assessment and management of biorisks is shown. In process of management of biorisks it is necessary to develop methodology of a quantitative assessment of biological risks for adequate adoption of administrative decisions.
It is obviously necessary to develop and carry out the corresponding procedure on registration in the Russian Federation of the national standard on management of biorisks on the basis of the European standard CEN (CWA 15793:2008) for the purpose of application it for increase of safety during the work with PBA.
Pathogenic biological agents (PBA), biological safety, biological risks, assessment of biological risks, management of biological risks.
Year: 2011 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 119-125
Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: L.V. Barabash, A.A. Zaytsev, E.F. Levitsky, S.S. Shakhova.
Organization: Federal State Institution Tomsk Research Institute of Balneology and Physical therapy of FMBA of Russia, Tomsk.
The objective is to prove the use of a complex landmark physical and balneotherapy in correction of post-stressful abnormalities of the hormonal and metabolic status of participants of the local conflicts.
Material and methods
189 employees of Mobile Group of Special Forces, aged from 22 till 45 years which were taking part in military operations are examined. Hormonal background (cortisol, insulin), lipid status, condition of a bioradical homeostasis and nonspecific factors of protection were examined. Schemes of stage-by-stage rehabilitation with implementation on the first stage of two basic medical complexes are offered: the first with the use of galvanization of neck area and the general pearl baths, and the second is with the highest frequency radiation on biologically active points and the general radon baths.
The analysis of efficiency of rehabilitation actions showed that radon baths and EHF-therapy at the first stage has more expressed positive impact on structure of lipids and a condition of a bioradical homeostasis. As a result the level of cholesterol has decreased from 5.18 to 4.89 mmol/l, p=0.000; cholesterol of lipoproteins of high density decreased from 3.4 to 3.01 mmol/l, p=0.000; the level of cholesterol of lipoproteins of high density increased from 1.2 to 1.36 mmol/l, p=0.013. Concentration of by-products of peroxide oxidation decreased from 11.34 to 10.15 mmol/l, p=0.000. Prescription at the first stage of galvanization in a complex with pearl bathrooms rendered a positive effect concerning a hormonal background and indicators of protective reactions: cortisol level decreased from 581 to 538 nmol/l, p=0.048 and the index of tension of metabolic reactions decreased in 1.6 times, p=0.000. Concentration of the circulating immune complexes in this group decreased from 80 IU to 70 IU, p=0.046, and fagocyte activity of neutrophils increased from 45 to 54%, p=0.049.
The carried out comparative analysis of efficiency of medical actions indicates expediency of application of a two-stage rehabilitation course for correction of post-stressful frustration at participants of military operations with different nosological forms of diseases. Thus various influences of the studied complexes of medical rehabilitation were revealed; this can form the basis of the differentiated approach to recovery treatment.
Medical rehabilitation, participants of armed conflicts, stress hormones, bioradical homeostasis.