Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 8-18
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Lobzin Yu.V., Rychkova S.V., Skripchenko N.V., Uskov A.N., Fedorov V.V.
Children's Scientific and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, St. Petersburg, 197022, Russian Federation
The world community pays a lot of attention both to the incidence of infectious diseases, because of in the structure of total morbidity rate in children infections account for up to 90% of cases. The total economic loss due to infectious diseases increases every year, despite the constant improvement of the therapy. In children aged from 0 to 14 years, the mortality rate from infectious diseases takes the 4th place in the structure of the causes of death. This paper presents an analysis of official statistics on the state of children's infectious diseases in the Russian Federation and a particular incidence in some regions for the period 2017-2018 timeframe.
children; infection; morbidity; vaccination.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 19-24
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Nazarova E.L.1, Timofeeva V.Yu.2, Plehov V.L.2, Shardakov V.I.1, Kovtunova M.Ye.1, Minaeva N.V.1, Rylov A.V.1, Paramonov I.V.1.
1Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Kirov, 610027, Russian Federation; 2Federal Health Care Hospital "Medical-sanitary unit №52" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Kirovo-Chepetsk, 613040, Russian Federation
Human plasma for fractionation (HPF) is the starting material for manufacturing of a range of medicinal products. It is important that professional groups are an invaluable reserve for the formation of active donation due to their cohesion and common. An in-depth study of the donor’s homeostasis functional parameters, which are in contact with unfavorable chemical factors of the working environment especially, can facilitate the development and implementation of a set of measures for the early diagnosis and prevention of diseases, and, ultimately, the maintenance and increase in the number of donor contingents. 88 practically healthy individuals - donors of HPF, exposed to occupational contact with chemicals, were examined. Laboratory criteria of nonspecific resistance immunodeficiency and with activation of humoral immunity were found. The long existence of identified deviations can lead to the appearance of clinical symptoms of immune deficiency as frequent acute or chronic recurrent infectious and inflammatory diseases; allergic responses, autoimmune processes, and malignancy. A more in-depth immunological and regular screening of donors for HPF - workers in the chemical industry - will make it possible to predict the development of immune disorders and diseases at the early stages and preserve their donor ability.
immunity; chemical production; donation; plasma for fractionation.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 25-38
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Artamonov A.A.1, Kartashova M.K.2, Plotnikov E.V.3, Konstantinova N.A.4
1Research Institute of Space Medicine of the Federal Research and Medical Center of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, Russia, Moscow, 115682, Russian Federation; 2I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, 127994, Russian Federation; 3National Research Tomsk Polytechnical University, Tomsk, 634050, Russian Federation; 4State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation - Institute of Biomedical Problems
In the Russian Federation, there were introduced sanitary standards (SanPin 2.1.8 / for hypogeomagnetic fields in industrial, residential and public buildings and structures. Hypomagnetic conditions are recognized as conditions that can harm a person. SanPin provides recommendations on limiting the time spent in such conditions. This review paper addresses issues related to the impact of altered hypomagnetic conditions on living organisms. Information is given on the response of various living objects under study to the conditions of the altered magnetic field of the Earth. The review gives an idea of the current status of the issue. Hypomagnetic conditions are shown to be simulated in various experiments, characterized by shielding the Earth's magnetic field from several times to a thousand times. Two main methods of screening the natural magnetic field of the earth are considered. The first method involves the use of magnetic cameras (screens). The second method is based on the use of Helmholtz rings. The difference between these shielding methods is discussed. A modified method for assessing the impact of shielding the Earth's geomagnetic field on living organisms is proposed. The modification of the assessment method consists in taking into account the exposure time (relative to the life cycle of a living organism) of the changed conditions. For discussion, a proposal was made to standardize the conduct of experimental research in this field of knowledge.
hypomagnetic conditions; geomagnetic field; shielding; Helmholtz rings; hypomagnetic chamber.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 39-50
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Маrennyy А.М.1, Kiselev S.М.2, Semenov S.Yu.1
1Scientific and Technical Center of Radiation Chemical Safety and Hygiene of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation; 2State Research Center – A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation
This article consisted of two parts, is devoted to the main aspects of the protection of the population from the irradiation of natural sources of ionizing radiation. In Part 1, all the main types of natural sources, their component composition, energy, and dose characteristics are briefly described. The approaches and recommendations of international organizations WHO, ICRP and IAEA concerning the public radiation protection against natural sources are discussed. The Russian regulatory issues in this field are presented.
natural sources of ionizing radiation; public exposure; regulatory framework.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 51-60
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Pavlova A.A., Yarovaya S.N., Koneva T.A., Fedorchenko A.N., Yanno L.V.
Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology, and Human Ecology Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Federal Medical Biological Agency, Saint Petersburg, 188663, Russian Federation
The results of periodic medical examinations of workers of the Maradykovsky, Pochep, Leonidovka, and Shchuchye chemical weapons destruction facilities (CWDFs) over 2017 are evaluated during decommissioning, reprofiling, and conversion. The leading pathologies in the morbidity structure, according to the International Disease Classification (10th revision), were related to two classes of diseases: «Diseases of the Eye and Its Appendage» (Maradykovsky and Shchuchye CWDFs) and «Diseasesof the Digestive System» (Pochep and Leonidovka CWDFs). Comparative analysis of the conclusions of the therapeutic and neurological examinations by the results of periodic medical examinations at the Medical Sanitary Station № 52 Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution, Federal Medical Biological Agency, and the results of the complex clinical and instrumental examinations by the employees of Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Federal Medical Biological Agency, was performed on an the example of the personnel of the Maradykovsky CWDF. The necessity to introduce ultrasound examination of the hepatobiliary system in the practice of periodic medical examinations in order to strengthen health control of workers of chemically hazardous industries is demonstrated. The final protocols of the periodic medical examinations of the personnel of the Maradykovsky, Pochep, Leonidovka, and Shchuchye CWDFs are analyzed.
chemical weapons destruction facilities; decommissioning, reprofiling, conversion; periodic medical examinations; disease classes; morbidity structure; comprehensive clinical and instrumental examination; ultrasound examination of the hepatobiliary system.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 61-70
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Silkin S.S., Krestinina L.Yu., Startsev V.N., Akleev A.V.
Ural Scientific and Practical Center of Radiation Medicine of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, 454076, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Introduction. Currently, the impact of small and medium doses of radiation (up to 1 Gy) on the development of long-term medical effects in humans, as well as direct assessments of their radiation risk to health, are relevant and widely discussed. To improve the radiation safety standards of the population under conditions of chronic exposure, it is necessary to conduct studies of individual effects in large cohorts, including people of different genders, ages, and initial health status. In this regard, the creation of a cohort uniting the population irradiated in two radiation incidents in the South Urals in the 1950s and 60s is of great importance for reliable estimates of the radiation risk of both carcinogenic and noncancer effects. The purpose of the work is to describe a new combined cohort of the population irradiated within small and medium doses as a result of radiation situations in the Southern Urals in the fifties of the twentieth century. The lack of reliable technologies for the processing and storage of radioactive materials at the Mayak PA during the formation of its activity in the late 1940s and early 1950s led to the uncontrolled discharge of liquid radioactive waste into the Techa River (1949-1956), the river’s pollution, and irradiation of the population of coastal settlements. In addition, the population of the Ural region irradiated on the territory of the East Ural radioactive trail was formed as a result of the explosion of the radioactive waste storage facility at the Mayak Production Center on September 29, 1957. Material and methods. To date, the effects of radiation on public health have been studied in separate cohorts – the Tech River Cohort, the East Ural Radioactive Trail Cohort, and the cohorts of offspring and prenatally irradiated people on the Teche River. In order to increase the statistical relevance of research, the population exposed as a result of two radiation incidents was combined into a single cohort. Results. The article describes the criteria for including people in the cohort, defines the Ural cohort of the accidentally-exposed population (UCAON), as well as the general characteristics of the cohort. The created cohort will allow not only increasing the statistical power of the research, but also to evaluate the organ-specific risks of malignancy, the effects of radiation in different age groups and at different time periods. In addition, the presence of such a cohort will make it possible to assess the effect of postnatal, intrauterine and gonadal doses.
Ural cohort of accidentally irradiated population; UCAON; cohort; irradiated population; Techa River; East Ural Radioactive Trace; EURT.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 71-77
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Shilova I.V.1, Goriacheva L.G.1,2, Efremova N.A.1, Esaulenko E.V.2
1Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases, Saint-Petersburg, 197022, Russian Federation; 2Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Saint-Petersburg, 194100, Russian Federation
For the time present, the world there are 257 million chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients. For pediatricians, this problem remains very relevant due to high contamination of women of childbearing age with viral hepatitis B (VHB), a possibility of transmission of infection from mother to the child is taking place. The analysis of serological efficiency and duration of maintaining specific immunity at the children imparted by various vaccines against hepatitis B is submitted. High credits of antibodies (more 100mme/ml) were revealed to be more often observed in children in the first 3 years following vaccination (68.2%). Over time, antibody levels decreased, and in 5 years old cases protective titres were preserved in 84.5% of patients. The number of patients with an antibody titer of less than 10 mIU/ ml increased from 8.5 to 15.5%. Therefore, despite vaccination, cases of infection of HB, including children annually continue to be registered - 3-7% of the children born from VHB carriers mothers become infected. Considering a possibility of both pre-natal, and intranatal infection, holding preventive actions in two stages is at the moment considered expedient, and includes inspection and treatment of pregnant women, and active and passive immunization of newborns. An algorithm for the management of pregnant HB women is given depending on the viral load.
children; vaccination; HBV infection; pregnancy; tebivudine; perinatal infection.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 78-83
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Bubeev Yu.A.1, Khodyreva L.A.2, Turzin P.S.2, Komarevtsev V.N.3,4, Ushakov I.B.5
¹State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 123007, Russian Federation; 2Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare and Medical Management, Moscow, 109117, Russian Federation; 3All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Protection”, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation; 4Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, 121059, Russian Federation; 5A.I. Burnazyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow, 123182, Russian Federation
The features of the use of robot-assisted technologies in the orbital flight and prototypes tested in the experiment are considered. The prospects of using this innovative medical technology in combination with telemedicine technologies for diagnosing and performing minimally invasive surgical interventions in space flight by specially trained crew members are noted.
medical robotic system; telemedicine; manned space flight; medical support for astronauts; minimally invasive interventions.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 84-96
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Efimova E.L., Yanno L.V., Prokhorenko O.A., Kabakova N.A.
Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology, and Human Ecology Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Federal Medical Biological Agency, Saint Petersburg, 188663, Russian Federation
The results of a comprehensive immunologic examination of the staff personnel of the Maradykovsky, Leonidovka, Pochep and Shchuch’e chemical weapons destruction facilities (CWDFs) in 2016–2018 are presented. Indices of congenital nonspecific protection, cellular and humoral links of the immune response, the allergic status, and oncomarkers, as well as immunoregulatory and allergic sensitization indices were analyzed. Unidirectional immune deviations were revealed in most workers, irrespective of the degree of occupational contact with organophosphorus compounds (OPS). Changes, predominantly in one, T-cellular, link were observed in half of the examined persons and were characterized both by signs of both immune suppression and activation. The second most common deviations were observed in the phagocytic activity. Such deviations revealed themselves in increased indices relating to nonspecific resistance activation and prevailed in workers who had contact with OPS. The deviations in two links were mainly presented by a combination of deviations in the T–cellular link and phagocytic activity. Changes in the humoral link were quite rare and related to immunoglobulin concentrations, among which hyper-IgA was prevalent. More than half of the revealed deviations had a boundary character, and the others were moderate. The prevalence of reduced immunoregulatory index (to 75,0%) and increased allergic sensitization index (up to 54,2%) were most frequently detected in workers of the Maradykovsky CWDF. Analysis of the immune reactivity of the staff personnel of the CWDFs revealed signs of exertion in the compensatory mechanisms of immune regulation and an increase in the risk for the development of allergic sensitization, not directly related to the degree of occupational contact with OPhC, gave evidence for the necessity of monitoring the immune status of workers.
immune system; personnel; immunological research, cellular, humoral immune response; chemical weapons.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 97-103
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Kostrova T.A., Batotsyrenova E.G., Kashuro V.A., Dolgo-Saburov V.B., Stepanov S.V., Zolotoverhaya E.A., Shchepetkova K.M.,
Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency, St. Petersburg, 192019, Russian Federation
Activation of the formation of free radicals due to hypoxia and the action of microsomal monooxygenases, which are involved in the processes of xenobiotic metabolism is one of the leading causes of damage and death of nerve cells in cases of poisoning with barbiturates. The second mechanism of damage to the cells of the central nervous system is the development of bioenergy hypoxia. The degree of damage to nerve cells in both the acute and long-term periods of acute severe neurotoxicant poisoning depends on the state of the antioxidant system, the activity of lipid peroxidation, and the activity of energy metabolism enzymes. The effect of pharmacological correction on the state of the antioxidant system (AOS), lipid peroxidation and energy metabolism enzymes in the long-term period after acute severe poisoning with sodium thiopental was investigated. Zinc complex of 1-butyl violuric acid (1-n-butyl-5-hydroxyiminohexohydropyrimidine-2,4,6-trionate zinc acetate dihydrate-KZ-03), succinoyl derivative of melatonin (3-[2-(5-methoxy-1H-3-indolyl) ethylcarbamoyl]-propanoic acid-KSE-02) (synthesized in the laboratory of medical problems of chemical safety in the Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency of Russia by a group of employees under the leadership of a leading researcher, MD, Ph.D. Krasnov K.A.) and heat shock protein (HSP 70) preparation (received in the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The data obtained indicate a violation of the homeostasis of the antioxidant system, which manifested itself in an increase in the formation of lipid peroxidation products and an imbalance of the AOS enzyme. An increase in the activity of enzymes of anaerobic energy metabolism was also detected. The use of drugs for pharmacological correction led to an increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes and a decrease in the concentration of primary and secondary products of lipid peroxidation, which indicates the stabilization of the state of the antioxidant system and the restoration of the energy metabolism enzymes to the level of the intact group.
neurotoxicants; antioxidant system, lipid peroxidation, energy metabolism; intoxication; sodium thiopental, acute poisoning, pharmacological correction.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 104-112
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Rakhmanov R.S., Sapozhnikova M.A., Razgulin S.A.
Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod, 603005, Russian Federation
Biochemical indices of protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism in athletes aged of 19.4 ± 0.8 years, engaged in academic rowing, with medium and heavy physical loads were evaluated. The criterion for the load was heart rate. The comparison group (n = 30) were healthy students aged of 19.5 ± 1.9 years (p = 0.376). Among the athletes, 27 people were male and 26 were in the female groups. With average physical activity among athletes, the activity of energy supply processes was higher than that of students. Catabolic processes prevailed in the protein metabolism, which was confirmed by an increase in the level of urea and testified to the insufficient recovery of the body of athletes after exercise. Heavy loads affected on lipid and carbohydrate exchanges. Low lipoproteins increased and decreased - high density (more significantly in women). The level of glucose, the proportion of people with low insulin, increased. Lactate increased, as did the proportion of individuals with elevated levels. With the increase in the volume of loads in the sixth part of women, the glucose level decreased, the level of insulin decreased more significantly. During prolonged training, insulin returned to normal, but in the female group the proportion of people with low insulin was greater. Lactate increased
athletes; gender groups; exercise; protein metabolism; fat and carbohydrates.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 113-121
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Yushin Yu.V., Podkopailo R.V., Petrova D.A., Egorov K.A., Trukhin V.P.
Saint-Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera of the Federal Medical Biological Agency, Saint-Petersburg, 198320, Russian Federation
This review article is devoted to the world experience of using standardized nutrient media suitable for the effective cultivation of recombinant Escherichia coli in order to obtain the optimum yield from the culture of the target product. E. coli is a universal organism for the synthesis of protein mass. According to the established technology, the genes of target protein synthesis are introduced into the bacterial culture by means of plasmids, which provides a biological synthesis of the necessary protein molecules in industrial volumes for the subsequent isolation of the necessary enzymes in the production. In the world practice of biotechnology, effective systems for the synthesis of recombinant proteins in E. coli have also been developed. Modified cell cultures are used in the development of vaccines, for the synthesis of immobilized enzymes and the solution of many other industrial problems. Cultivation conditions have a significant impact on the growth rate of the colony, its quality indices, the characteristics of the internal processes and the final value of the synthesis of the target protein. In connection with the need for such an accurate forecast of the results of the biotechnological process for specific tasks, it is advisable to use certain nutrient media, thereby reducing the number of unknown factors of production. The article describes the modern experience of application of the most common and relevant nutrient media for biotechnological production, their composition, preparation methods, and consumption rates. The results of studies of the dependence of the efficiency of the synthesis of molecules of the target peptide on the number of certain components that make up the media are presented. There is indicated an influence on protein synthesis and colonial growth of some physical factors associated with the processes of biotechnological production.
Escherichia coli; nutrient media; LB; TB; SB SOB, SOC, 2хYT, NZCYM.
Year: 2019 (September) Number: №3 Pages: 122-131
Article type: Scientific article.
Authors: Yarkov S.P., Tretyakov S.I., Shaulina E.K., Brovkina A.N., Khramov E.N.
State Research Institute of Biological Engineering of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow, 125424, Russian Federation
Aim of the dtudy. Development of methods for the elevation of sensitivity of immunochromatographic tests (ICT), designed to identify pathogenic microorganisms and toxins, by enhancing contrast of immunochromatograms and subsequent instrumental recording the analysis results using a reflectometer. Material and methods. In actual work, IСT was used to identify anthrax pathogen spores and type B staphylococcal enterotoxin (SEB), in which colloidal gold nanoparticles (GNP) were used as markers. To enhance the contrast of immunochromatograms, a developing solution was used consisting of 1.5% hydroquinone and 0.15% silver nitrate in 0.5 M citric acid. The results were recorded using a Reflecom video-digital analyzer, which allows a quantitative comparison of the intensities in an ICT analytical zone for different analyte concentrations. The data obtained were approximated by exponential firstorder dependence, and the sensitivity of the immunochromatographic test was calculated. Results. The developing solution applied at immunochromatogram led to the precipitation of silver atoms on the GNP, leading to an increase the contrast of the analytical and control ICT zones. Strengthening the contrast ICT analytical and control zones allowed identifying visually anthrax spores and SEB with sensitivity exceeding the sensitivity of conventional ICT by 4 and 6 times. After reflectometry, the obtained dependences of the intensity of staining ICT analytical zone on the analyte concentration were approximated using the function Y = Y0 + A1e(–X/t1), where X - is the concentration of analyte, and Y0, A1, t1 are the parameters that are determined during the approximation. The covariance coefficient R2 was close to 1.0, testifying to the reliability of the choice of the approximating function. Based on the experimental data, the lower limits of detection (detection sensitivity) for anthrax spores and SEB were calculated. The gain in detection sensitivity accounted for 27 and 47 times for anthrax and SEB respectively, compared to visual recording of conventional immunochromatograms. A comparison between proposed format of immunochromatographic assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed. Conclusions. The proposed format for increasing in the sensitivity of ICT makes it possible to detect 3.7x104 m.c./ml of anthrax pathogen spores and 200 pg/ml of SEB, which exceeds the ELISA sensitivity for these analytes. The analysis time amounted to 45 minutes. Test system components storage is possible at room temperature. The composition of the experimental immunochromatographic test of high sensitivity is proposed.
anthrax pathogen, staphylococcal enterotoxin type B, immunochromatography, silver enhancement.