Medicine of Extreme Situations
Scientific and Practical reviewed Journal
of FMBA of Russia

included in the list of HAC

For Authors

Layout requirements, admission conditions and procedures for the publication of scientific articles in the magazine «Medicine of extreme (emergency) cases (situations)».

Scientific and practical magazine «Medicine of extreme cases», is published in Russian language in 500 copies four times a year (quarterly) and has the following sections:

14.01.00 — clinical medicine;
14.02.00 — prophylactic medicine;
14.03.00 — medical and biological sciences;
03.01.00 — physical and chemical biology;
05.26.00 — human security activities.

Rules for scientific articles for High Attestation Commission

• On the page «Requirements for the materials» the basic rules are presented to the authors for the preparation and submisson of articles.

• We urge you to carefully review the requirements adopted in this edition! Their observance is significantly simplify the procedure of the review of your manuscript and preparation for publishing.

• A mandatory requirement for publication of a scientific article is the presence of its abstracts and keywords. Abstract is a brief description of the thematic content of the article. It must be pointed out what innovations this material brings. The recommended amount of annotations — 150-250 words. Keywords should contain 8-10 words and phrases.

• The volume of scientific article is not regulated by High Attestation Commission, but authors are encouraged to adhere to the volume of 5-10 pages.

• A standardized terminology should be used in the material. Unextended terms should be explained when first mentioned in the text.

• The scientific article should bear an element of scientific novelty and compulsorily contain the author's conclusions.

• Materials that are sent by e-mail, should be provided in MS Word format (with extension .doc, .docx, .rtf).

Requirements for Manuscripts and rules for submission of articles

• To be included in the next issue, the text of the article and an application for approval of the publishing should be sent by its author by e-mail address to the Editorial board:

Cover letters on paper (signed and sealed) sent to the address: 123182, Moscow, PO Box № 44. Τo the Editorial board of the magazine «Medicine of extreme cases».

• Only never published articles are accepted for publication.

• The authors take a commitment that the text of the article is the final version and contains accurate information regarding the results of the research. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of these facts, statistics and other information.

• The editorial board proceed to forward two author's copies of the magazine to the post address (with zip code), which you indicate in your cover letter. Issue of the magazine is sent by registered post.

Review rules and order of the publication of a scientific article

• All articles submitted to the Εditorial board, are subject to mandatory review in accordance with the Procedure for reviewing manuscripts competing for publication in the scientific magazine "Medicine of extreme cases" approved by the Chief Editor.

• After a positive decision about the possibility of publishing the materials arrive in the editorial of the magazine portfolio. Editorial board determines the order and sequence of their publication, depending on the urgency.

• If the article is returned to the author for revision, it must be corrected and sent to the editor as soon as possible.

• The editors do not agree with the authors of minor corrections of stylistic or formal nature, that do not affect the content of the material. Corrections are usually made by editorial corrector without any special agreements with authors.

The cost of the publication of a scientific article

• The authors who work in the institutions subordinated to the Federal Medical Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia publication do not have to pay any publication fees.

• For all others, the payment for the publication of scientific articles in the «Medicine of Extreme Situations» is also not charged.

• After publication, authors will receive author's copies are mandatory.

Publication of manuscripts for graduates are free of charge. Urgent publication for graduates are made by the decision of the Editorial board in the common queue. No more than 8 pages of copyright is allocated for graduates. After the publication the graduate is provided with one (1) free of charge author's copy of the magazine. Graduates and competitors of scientific degree of candidate of sciences must provide the scanned original certificate of training in postgraduate study and the recommendation — review of the supervisor.
