Medicine of Extreme Situations
Scientific and Practical reviewed Journal
of FMBA of Russia

included in the list of HAC

№2, 2011 (June)

Indicators of health of workers that are supervised in the system of industrial healthcare. Dynamics of morbidity indexes with temporary disability.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 5-10

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: I.A. Vologodskaya, T.V. Azizova, E.P. Fomin, O.E. Kharitonov.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Central Medical and Sanitary Unit №71 of FMBA of Russia, Ozersk.


The objective is to conduct retrospective analysis of the dynamics of morbidity with temporary disability (MTD) among workers supervised in the system of industrial healthcare Federal State Healthcare Institution Central Medical and Sanitary Unit №71 for the period 2002-2008.

Material and methods
To assess MTD common indicators were analyzed: the number of cases and disability days per 100 employees. To establish the strength of the statistical links the method of correlation analysis and index of pair correlation (r) were used. Standard statistical Microsoft Excel package was used for calculations and schedules.

A trend of steady decrease of MTD factors for the following classes of diseases: diseases of the nervous system and sense organs (r =-0.8 and -0.9); urogenital system and malignant neoplasms; coronary artery disease (r = -0.8 and -0.5); cerebrovascular disorders (r = -0.6 and -0.7). This could be due to both the close health monitoring of workers and the result of active release of elderly workers with somatic pathology.

The growth in the number of cases of diseases with temporary disability, gastritis and duodenitis on the background of the reduction of peptic ulcer diseases of duodenum could be explained by timely treatment of patients with first signs of illness and preventing the development of more severe somatic pathology.

A steady tendency to growth of MTD indicators caused to Class I diseases (Infectious and parasitic diseases) and Class XII (Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue), is correlated with the tendency marked earlier to increase in primary morbidity (“Medicine of extreme situations” № 1, 2011). Tendencies to growth of MTD indicators are also traced in Class XIX diseases (injuries and poisoning) and in average are 5.6 on cases (r = 0.9) and 126.1 on days (r= 0.7), Class XIII (musculoskeletal system and connective tissue diseases) in average 11.1 and 158.1 (r= 0.9 and 0.5), acute respiratory viral infection (Class X) in average 26.8% and 190.3 (r= 0.8), respectively.

In general, increase in the dynamics of MTD indicators among workers in the system of industrial health is observed. However, the values of both annual and annual average for the whole observation period correspond to the low professional risk. The growth trend of cases and days with temporary disability diseases of separate classes of diseases causes the need of analysis of specific nosological forms and strengthening the preventive medical care.


Indicators of morbidity with temporary disability; the workers of enterprises from Ozersk city that are working in contact with harmful and/or dangerous production factors; the system of industrial healthcare.

Incidence assessment of circulatory system organs diseases in workers of the Russian federal nuclear centers (1994-2008).

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 11-16

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: A.R. Tukov, G.I. Gneusheva, Yu.V. Suvorova.

Organization: Federal Medical and Biophysical center named after A.I. Burnazyan of FMBA of Russia, Moscow.


The objective is to assess the incidence of circulatory system organs diseases in workers of Russian Federal Nuclear Centers (RFNC) from 1994 to 2008.

Material and methods
Information from medical care reports of workers from industrial enterprises was analyzed, from the form № 01-c-FU-96, approved by order FU MB and EP at the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation from 06.09.1996, №53s.

Data of persons subjected to regular health examinations according to the order of Ministry of Health and MP of RF dated 14.03.96 №90 were analyzed.

The analysis of staff morbidity showed that by years of observation the incidence of circulatory system organs diseases has increased. The most significant contribution is due to the incidence of hypertension, which is mainly explained by the performance of programs of primary and secondary prevention.

The increased incidence of morbidity of circulatory system organs diseases is explained not only by the growth of these diseases but also by improvement in the quality of diagnosis in the early stages of the disease and its treatment.


RFNC personnel, incidence, prevalence, circulatory system organs diseases, mortality.

Organization of work with citizens in federal state healthcare institution central medical and sanitary unit №119 of FMBA of Russia.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 17-21

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: V.N. Kulyga, V.S. Gorbachevskiy, A.D. Velichko, V.G. Fedorov.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Central Medical and Sanitary Unit №119 of FMBA of Russia, Moscow.


Organization of work regarding citizens’ applications is the most important function of the heads of medical institutions. Recently the increase of negative publications about the work of healthcare institutions and individual medical workers demonstrates the existence of unresolved problems in their activity. This article provides the analysis of complaints from citizens received by medical institutions Federal State Healthcare Institution Central Medical and Sanitary Unit №119 of FMBA of Russia for 2008-2010.

48 written requests were applied. Most of them were regarding the violation of the ethics and deontology of health workers and defects in the organization of medical assistance. Issues and suggestions that were discussed at the receptions of leaders (approx. 2000 visits) were analyzed.
Properly organized work with citizens provides additional information about the work of the institutions, medical personnel which allows to identify and correct deficiencies in the organization of medical support.


Rights of citizens, complaints of citizens, personal reception of citizens.

Spatio-temporal analysis of infectious morbidity using methods of neogeography on an example of the urban settlement Obolensk, Moscow region.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 22-29

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: L.Yu. Zavalskiy, O.N. Dobrokhotskiy, G.A. Zinoviev, M.A. Voronina, E.N. Eremchenko, S.V. Klimenko.

Organization: Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Obolensk; Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №164 of FMBA of Russia, Obolensk; Central Regional Hospital Municipal Healthcare Institution, Serpukhov, PMSA (Primary Medical and Sanitary Assistance), Obolensk; Institute of Physics and Technology Informatics, Protvino, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow.


Organization of sanitary and epidemiological monitoring based on the work of the automated information system and equipment of the analytical center of collection and data analysis with high spatial and operational accuracy is an important task in the framework of the national system of chemical and biological security of the Russian Federation. Methods of neogeography implemented in the geo-interfaces of a class of Google Earth (Erdas TITAN and others) allow to create the environment to enter by institutions of territorial supervision of primary information about all the important events, its instant and global without loss of detail and without separation from general geographic context and for its subsequent generalization, estimates of risks of distribution and development. With an open Obolensk model infectious morbidity (chickenpox, influenza, acute respiratory viral infections) in the village during the period 2006-2008 was analyzed.

The reasons for the irregular occurrence of cases can be different: the betrayal of weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind rose), migration and other factors. Despite of the complexity and multiplicity of conditions of outbreaks of chickenpox, the shown lack of accurately expressed seasonality allows supposing about the impact of global factors, such as solar activity to the significant increase of the incidence of chickenpox. Some 4D technology analyzed infectious diseases, in contrast, had strongly pronounced seasonal nature. These include influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. It is shown that the spatio-temporal (4-D) sanitary and epidemiological analysis with the use of GIS (geographical information systems) technologies on the example of Obolensk improves the accuracy of monitoring to individual apartment or room and several meters on the district. The development of modern methods of neogeography will allow to continue the use of this technology for enhancing biological safety of territories and objects through the identification, assessment and management of biorisks, with reference to geographic coordinates and time with a high degree of accuracy.


Neogeography, geographic information systems, infectious morbidity, solar activity, epidemic process.

Optimization of microbiological monitoring during epidemiological surveillance of intrahospital septic infections.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 30-36

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: Y.A. Zakharova.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №140 of FMBA of Russia, Perm.


The objective is to improve the microbiological monitoring of nosocomial septic infections on the basis of epidemiological standard definitions of nosocomial strains.

Material and methods
The studies were conducted from 2003 till 2007 on the basis of 6 leading multi field hospitals of Perm region. Epidemiological surveillance covered 657 patients and 16 employees from multi field hospitals. 705 samples of biological material and 653 objects of hospital environment were examined. Epidemiological (descriptive-evaluative and analytical), bacteriological, molecular biological (pulse-electrophoresis, polymer chain reaction), statistical methods were applied.

The leading role in formation of epidemic nosocomial septic infections was established. These strains in 100.0% of cases formed cases with three or more epidemic nosocomial septic infections. Other options of microflora circulating in hospitals, in 70.4% of cases in the development of infection among patients wasn’t observed, 1.9% of observations caused single cases. Anti-epidemic measures on the localization of centers of nosocomial septic infections in hospitals, aimed at neutralization of the sources and reservoirs of hospital strains have reduced the levels of purulent - septic morbidity among patients in 2.6 times and microbial contamination of the external environment in 5.0 times.

The target of microbiological monitoring regarding nosocomial septic infections should be the identification in the medical institution of nosocomial strains of microorganisms on the basis of their epidemiological standard definition.


Epidemiological supervision, microbiological monitoring, interhospital strains.

Diagnostics of blood circulation system by the method of analysis dynamic arrangements effectors when forming the integral indicators.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 37-44

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: N.N. Kalinichenko.

Organization: Federal State Institution Southern Regional Medical Center of FMBA of Russia, Rostov-on-Don.


The author's method of “Multiparameter analysis of interaction of effector functional links of hemodynamic system” and, created together with the company “Medicom MTD” universal device of automatic processing and analysis of the blood circulation parameters during their monitoring and physical load, helped to reveal the form of dynamic interactions in the conditions of prepathology, pathology and extreme state.
The methods of prediction of critical changes in the status of volunteer during the period of its normal functioning were developed. For example:

• Forecasting of orthostatic collapse in weightlessness.
• Forecasting the stability of the organism in the conditions of modeled and truth weightlessness.
• Identification of informative links of activities breakdown under static or dynamic physical activity.
• Prediction of acute fatigue and frustration of adaptation at the operator's activities.
• Identification of individual resistance to space form of motion sickness.


Functional hypo dynamic system. Forecasting of critical conditions.

Some aspects of gout pathomorphosis on the example of familial gouty nephropathy.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 45-48

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: B.V. Karpov, E.N. Kurakova, T.V. Lepeshkina, I.I. Litvinova.

Organization: Federal State Healthcare Institution Medical and Sanitary Unit №97 of FMBA of Russia, Voronezh.


Materials and methods
The materials and methods are clinical observation of gouty nephropathy manifestations (diagnostics, medical practice, prognosis) in three generations of the same family, the correlation with statistical data on the pathomorphosis of gout in the last twenty years.

Results and conclusions
Osteoarticular diseases are one of the main reason for life quality decline and disability of working population. It is important to pay attention of medical practitioners on examination of patients with pathology of the urinary system in order to detect the gout in early stages.


Hyperuricemy, gouty nephropathy, chronic renal failure.

Some features of lipid-lowering therapy in modern conditions.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 49-53

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: O.S. Tseka, Yu.P. Pereponov, L.L. Kirichenko, E.S. Dorofeeva.

Organization: Clinical hospital №85 of FMBA of Russia, Moscow. Therapy chair №2 of the Department of Postgraduate Education of the Moscow State Medical Stomatological University, Moscow.


The objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of lipid-lowering therapy with the use of combinations of hypolipidemic drugs.

Materials and methods
Comparative data of monotherapy treatment and in combination of statins (simvastatin) and new drug that avoids the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine (Ezetrol) were demonstrated. The high efficiency with reduced side effects of the combined use of drugs was revealed.


Lipid-lowering therapy, statins, simvastatin, ezetrol, coronary artery disease (CAD), arterial hypertension (AH), cholesterol (CH).

Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 54-64

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: N.A. Shnaider, A.V. Sadykova, S.Yu. Nikulina, V.A. Shnaider.

State Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health and Social Development, Chair of Medical Genetics and Clinical Neurophysiology the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Krasnoyarsk;

State Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Ministry of Health and Social Development, Chair of Internal diseases №1, Krasnoyarsk;

Federal Healthcare Institution Clinical Hospital №51 of FMBA of Russia, Closed Administrative Territorial Formation, Zheleznogorsk;

Krasnoyarsk State Budgetary Institution Krasnoyarsk Clinical Hospital, Anesthesiology and Reanimation Department, Krasnoyarsk.


The article presents modern aspects of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). For the first time SUDEP was described in the 1900th years, but so far it is insufficiently studied. The overall incidence of SUDEP is 1:1000 people with epilepsy per year. Young people suffering from epilepsy, have a risk of death in three times higher than that of the general population: 85% of deaths occur at the age of 20-50 years. The leading causes of SUDEP are cardiac rhythm and conduction abnormalities that occur during both the ictal and interictal periods.


Epilepsy, sudden death, pathophysiology, risk factors, preventive measures.

Radiation and environmental situation near Kursk nuclear station.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 65-71

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: A.N. Kolesov, A.I. Rassolova, E.M. Nosova, V.M. Mesheryakova.

Organization: Regional office №125 of FMBA of Russia, Kurchatov; Federal State Healthcare Institution Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology №125 of FMBA of Russia, Kurchatov.


The objective is to show the radiation and ecological situation near Kursk nuclear power station.

Material and methods
Within the framework of the radiation and hygienic monitoring investigation of samples of the environment objects, drinking water and food are carried out; measurements were taken of equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation in the area of Kursk nuclear power station. Control points are located in the sanitary protection zone and in the surveillance zone of Kursk nuclear power station. The measurements are held by dosimetric and gamma-spectrometric methods; physical, chemical and microbiological researches were carried out.

The dose rate of gamma radiation on the territory of Kurchatov town did not exceed the characteristic indicators of the district. For several years the taken soil samples meet the requirements of sanitary rules and requirements on sanitary, chemical, radiology and parasitology indicators. Excess on indicators of specific total α-and β-activity in industrial sewage and water of open reservoirs wasn't registered. The actual content of chemical substances in the sewage of Kursk atomic station meets the requirements for admission of harmful substances into surface water objects and has no significant impact on natural reservoir. The levels of radionuclides’ specific activity in bottom sediments are competitive with the average activity for the last three years. The specific activity of radionuclides in samples of food is significantly lower than standards. According to the laboratory tests the drinking water complies with the requirements of SanPiN “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control”. The only exception was the high content of iron. The maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants in atmospheric air were not revealed.

The results and researches show that the radiation and ecological situation in the area of Kursk nuclear power station are stable and safe for people and the environment.


Radiation and hygienic monitoring, sanitary protection zone, surveillance area, objects of environment, specific activities of radionuclides, radiation control, physical, chemical and microbiological studies.

The preliminary hygienic estimation of manufacture on reprocessing of depleted uranium hexafluoride in opened joint stock company “production association electrochemical plant”.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 72-74

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: A.S. Alexandrov, K.G. Bocharov, M.N. Mikhailova, Yu.S. Taktaev.

Organization: Regional office №42 of FMBA of Russia, Zelenogorsk; Opened Joint Stock Company “Production Association “Electrochemical plant”, Zelenogorsk.


The article presents information about the introduction into operation of the unique to the Russian nuclear industry technology on transfer chemically dangerous depleted uranium hexafluoride into safe for the environment and population form of long-term storage.

Opened Joint Stock Company “Production Association “Electrochemical plant” was the first in Russia to master the production with technology, proposed by the French company “Cogema”, that allowed to solve the problem of depleted uranium hexafluoride utilization. Regional office №42 of FMBA of Russia is responsible for control and supervision of sanitary and epidemiologic well-being of this production and its effect on the population.


Depleted uranium hexafluoride, nitrous oxide of uranium, conversion, fluoric hydrogen, fluorine.

Age peculiarities of primary disability regarding consequences of traumatic brain injury in the Volgograd region in 2005-2009.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 75-78

Heading: Organization and improvement of medical care and the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: O.V. Ushakova, M.V. Lyulyaeva.

Organization: Federal State Institution Main Office of Medical and Social Expertise of Volgograd region of FMBA Russia, Volgograd.


The objective is to analyze the age peculiarities of primary disability regarding the consequences of traumatic brain injury in the Volgograd region in 2005-2009.

The materials are indicators of data of medical and social expertise, submitted by institution’s branches in Volgograd region.

Statistics data showed that in the structure of primary disability on the consequences of traumatic brain injury the leading role belongs to the young age group.

The structure of primary disability on the consequences of traumatic brain injury reflects the general trend of primary disability due to nervous system diseases: persons of working age are dominated, with some advantage in the young age group. Therefore, it is required a higher level of organization of medical aid to the injured people of young and middle age groups who have suffered from traumatic brain injury.


Medical and social expertise, primary disability, traumatic brain injury.

Comparative characteristics of formation of radiation and hygienic situation in the contaminated territories of the Ural region.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 79-87

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: V.A. Kostyuchenko, L.M. Peremyslova, A.V. Akleyev, I.Ya. Popova, V.A. Baturin, N.N. Kazachyonok, V.S. Melnikov, D.V. Usoltsev.

Organization: Ural Scientific and Practical Center of Radiation Medicine of FMBA of Russia, Chelyabinsk.


The objective is to compare the processes of formation of the radiation situation in the territories affected by radioactive contamination.

Materials and methods
The study material was obtained during years of studying of various aspects of the impact of radioactively contaminated environment on the population and their economic activities. Standard methods of sanitary and hygienic researches of environment and life of the population and radiochemical and spectrometric studies of levels of pollution of the studied objects were used.

After 10 years of radiation accidents major dose of radionuclides on the river Techa, the East-Ural radioactive trace and Karachay trace become long-lived 90Sr and 137Cs. The main quantity of radionuclides in a typical atmospheric soil so far is stored in forest litter and upper (0-10 cm) soil layer. In floodplain soils of reservoirs the migration of 90Sr and 137Cs depends on moisture and sediment. In the soil 90Sr is contained mainly in biologically available form and 137Cs is in related. The reduction of pollution of food products since the accident till the present time is due to radioactive decay and is estimated in 3-4 times, by reducing bioavailability to 10-12 times. Currently remains contaminated with 90Sr above permissible levels the vegetation in some areas of the East-Ural radioactive and Karachay traces. On the East-Ural radioactive trace the receipt of 90Sr with food in 2009 in average is 310 Bq/year, on Karachay trace is 324 Bq/year, 137Cs - 732 Bq/year, on the river Techa - 410 Bq.

The results obtained in different radiation situations, demonstrate the general regularity of behavior of radionuclides in the environment and, as the result, some general patterns of its rehabilitation after radiation accidents.


Radioactive contamination, the river Techa, the East-Ural radioactive trace, Karachay trace, long-lived 90Sr and 137Cs migration, biological availability, soil, grass, milk, diet, water, transfer factors, rehabilitation.

The system of I.I. Mechnikov’s immune cells and medicine of extreme situations.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 88-96

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: R.M. Haitov, A.B. Sagakyants.

Organization: Federal State Budgetary Institution Hematologic Scientific Center Institute of Immunology of FMBA of Russia, Moscow; State Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education Southern Federal University, Biology and Soil Faculty, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Rostov-on-don.


The objective is to analyze the current data of response mechanisms of the body exposed to extreme environmental factors.

The biochemical and physiological mechanisms of organism adaptation to the action of extreme factors were considered; the role of immune system was examined in these reactions. The literature data about the peculiarities of the system of innate immunity, the mechanisms of its activation and operation were summarized. In the conditions of extreme factors the role of leukocytes in the system of organism resistance was observed and discussed.

The importance of studying the components of the innate immune system was demonstrated for the solution of actual problems of medicine of extreme situations.


White blood cells, innate immunity, stress reaction, extreme condition, adaptation.

The research of the distribution and basic pharmacokinetic parameters of oxidized single-walled carbon nanotubes.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 97-105

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: V.N. Aldobayev, L.A. Eremenko, A.A. Mazanova, D.Kh. Biketova, N.R. Dyadishev, S.P. Rybalkin, L.D. Kvacheva, G.A. Badun, S.P. Chervonohorodov, V.E. Muradyan, A.A. Maslikov.

Federal State Science Institution Research Institute of Toxicology and Regulation of Biopreparations of FMBA of Russia, Serpukhov;
Institute of Hetero-organic Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow;
Chemical faculty, Moscow State University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow;
LLC “Karbonlait”;
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka;
International University of Nature, Society and human being “Dubna”, branch “Protvino”, Moscow region.


The objective is to investigate the distribution and get the basic pharmacokinetic parameters on the model of outbred rats of one of the refined electric arc products of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCN-COOH).

Materials and methods
SWCN of domestic electric arc products for researches on the contract basis were demonstrated to LLC “Karbolait”.
For the quantitative determination of SWCN-COOH in biological samples for the first time were worked out the conditions for the inclusion of 3H-label in SWCN-COOH.

The determination of 3H-SWCN-COOH in tissue samples and urine of experimental animals was conducted on alkaline mineralizators in liquid scintillation of β,γ - counter.

The distribution parameters and renal excretion were obtained, as well as the main pharmacokinetic parameters of SWCN-COOH on the model of outbred rats at three methods of administration: intravenous, intragastric and endotracheal.

Based on the pattern of distribution of nanotubes in the body when entering SWCN-COOH in the blood system of warm-blooded animals in the form of stable suspensions, we can assume that the main potential target organs are the liver, spleen and lungs.
When SWCN-COOH (L - 1.5-3.0 mcm) is distributed by natural ways through digestive tract and the airways, the biological barriers of these systems are virtually impervious to SWCN-COOH, which gives evidence to the potentially low toxicity of this type of nanotubes for warm-blooded animals.


Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCN), 3H-label, distribution, the pharmacokinetic parameters, proxanol-268.

Characteristic of blood service development in Russia.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 106-116

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: E.A. Selivanov, T.N. Danilova, I.N. Degtereva, M.Sh. Grigoryan, L.G. Vorobey.

Organization: Federal State Institution Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology of FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg.


The aim of this work was to investigate the current status of blood service in Russia.

The materials were used from official statistical reports (form №39) in institutions of blood service, subordinated to Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia. In order to summarize and analyze the data, computer programs developed in Russian Research Institute of Hematology and Transfusiology were used.

It is established that in 2009 the preparation of blood and blood components accomplished in 146 stations and blood centers, 482 blood transfusion departments, 100 hospitals, preparing blood. Donors before the donation, according to national standards, passed examination which included the determination of the level of hemoglobin, blood group, rhesus factor, antigen of hepatitis B, antibodies to hepatitis C, tests for syphilis, HIV, and ALT. The number of donors in 2009 reached 1 908 350 people, 1 738 977 from them were volunteers, and 719 940 came for the first time. In a disposable plastic containers 1 957 401.8 liters of the whole blood were prepared. Erythrocytes, native and frozen plasma, albumin, immunoglobulin’s, cryoprecipitate. However, blood products are still needed. New technological methods are introduced; the aim is to ensure the safety of blood transfusions; these are plasma quarantine, leucofiltration, virus inactivation of plasma.

The comparison of data obtained in 2002 and 2008 showed the increase in 2009 the number of donors and the volume of prepared blood. According to the National program of development of blood service it is expected further improve of the work of blood service institutions: improvement of infection safety of donor’s blood and prevention of post-transfusion complications.


Blood service, transfusiology, blood transfusion.

Ural regional donor registry of hematopoietic stem cells.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 117-123

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: T.V. Azizova, V.L. Rybkina, L.I. Kozlovskaya, V.N. Karpova, G.V. Adamova, O.V. Teplyakova.

Organization: Federal State Unitary Enterprise Southern Ural Institute of Biophysics of FMBA of Russia, Ozersk.


From 2007 on the basis of Federal State Unitary Enterprise Southern Ural Institute of Biophysics of FMBA of Russia the work on creation of the Ural regional registry of potential donors of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is conducted. The structure of the register, its organization and functioning were based on international, national and own developments. Involvement of donors was held by mass media, direct agitation and interviews. Selection of candidates was carried out according to the developed criteria. HLA-typing of donors was conducted by methods of sequence-specific primers.

Agitation covered about 13100 people. 4367 people donated HSCs; 2735 potential HSCs donors were selected.


The register of donors of hematopoietic stem cells, donor center, laboratory of HLA-typing.

The role of the Pyatigorsk state research institute of balneology in the recovery and rehabilitation of contingents serviceable to FMBA of Russia.

Year: 2011 (June) Number: №2 Pages: 124-126

Heading: The results of research works in the field of studying the influence on the humans especially dangerous and harmful production factors.

Article type: Scientific article.

Authors: A.F. Babyakin, N.V. Efimenko, N.N. Gvozdev, A.S. Caisinova, A.N. Glukhov.

Organization: Federal State Institution “Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology of FMBA of Russia”, Pyatigorsk.


The article presents the main directions of scientific and medical activity of Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology of FMBA of Russia.


Resort, science, Caucasian mineral water, recovery treatment.
